Three Ways to Bless Your Children

The Bible is filled with the concept of blessing–from Jacob blessing the children of Joseph to Jesus blessing the children who came to Him. In the Bible, many people assumed that any word spoken had to come to pass. A blessing had the power to accomplish what had been spoken.

What if you had that power? What if you could do something for your children that would make all of life better for them? Actually, you can. You have within you the power to bless your children and to give them gifts which cannot be taken away.

Let me suggest three blessings that you can give to your children. Tomorrow, I will have additional ways to bless your children that you can view.

First, love your spouse.  You can bless your children by loving their father or mother. This may be the most wonderful gift that you can give to your children. Children crave stability and peace. They earnestly long for a peaceful and happy home. When we seek to love our spouses, we give our children the best gift and the most powerful blessing.

When I counsel couples about to be married, I often tell them to thank their parents. I do this when the couple has described their parents as loving parents who modeled what it means to be a loving, caring spouse.

When husbands and wives work at their marriage, they give a good example to children. Making your marriage thrive will help your children succeed in their marriages.

Second, bless your children with patience. Children are mistake prone. They will spill milk, and they will make mistakes. When we accept them as children and are patient with mistakes, we bless them. They learn that they are loved even when they make mistakes. Even as an adult, I deeply appreciate those people who love me in spite of my miscues. They bless me.

Third, bless your children with kindness. You want to be treated with kindness and respect. You can bless your children by treating them as you would want to be treated. Almost all children respond positively to kindness; they react negatively to harsh words and angry outbursts. Speak kind, patient, and loving words to them.

Parents have power. You have the power to instill hope or hopelessness. You can bless your children with love or crush them with anger.

God has given you the gift of beautiful children. May you bless them as God has blessed you.

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