Additional Ways to Bless Your Children

It’s amazing what you remember from childhood. I remember when my father treated me like a man by sending me up a ladder to a second story at his business. He probably didn’t know that he was blessing me, but he was.

All children want and need to be blessed. Here are several ways that you can bless your children. For other ways to bless your children, check this out.

First, bless your children with security. Children depend on parents for their security. They need to know that you will be there for them. You bless your children more than you can know when you use these phrases: “I will be here for you,” “I am not going to let you be hurt,” and “I am going to take care of you.”

Second, model Godly living before your children. Children learn what they see much more than what they hear. Your demonstrating Godly values does more than any other lesson to instill right conduct and right values. Think back on your experience. Did you gain more by teaching or by example? Your children are learning in the same way.

Third, discipline your children. Teach them right from wrong. We are all blessed when we are corrected and turned from the wrong path to the right one. The child who has been guided toward the way that pleases God has been blessed.

I have three caveats for discipline. First, think through whatever discipline that you give. Make the punishment fit the crime. Be consistent and follow through. Second, remember why correction is a blessing from God–it moves us in the right direction. If you discipline to punish, you are using the wrong motivation. Discipline should be for the purpose of moving your child toward Godliness. Third, (as much as possible) don’t discipline in public. Correct in private or by whispering in the ear or some other appropriate method. By doing so, you demonstrate deep love and respect for your child. No one wants to be reprimanded in public.

Fourth, teach them the Scripture and the ways of God. When you help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts, you are equipping them for the future. My suggestion: extend a challenge to them to memorize Scripture and offer to take the challenge with them. By doing so, you will demonstrate the importance of learning the Bible. Look at the second point again. Values and behavior are more caught than taught.

Finally, let your children know that God indeed has a wonderful plan for their life and that they can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

When you do these things your children will think of you fondly, and they will speak highly of you after you are gone.

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