A Look Backward and Forward

Each year at significant milestones, I report to the church where we are and where we are going. This allows the church to reflect and look back as well as look forward. Part of my responsibility is to lead the church in understanding God’s vision. One way that I do so is to have a Vision Meeting from time to time. You can read this post to help Give Your People A Vision Of What The Future Can Be. This will give insight into one way to do this. Another way is simply to report verbally and in written form about the events of the last year.

The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to look back and to look forward.

Anyone associated with south Louisiana understands that over the past few years we have deserved the designation of “Disaster Land.” Hurricane Katrina ravaged the whole region and adveresly affected First Baptist Church Covington. One-fourth of our congregation moved to other areas including twenty-five deacon families. Katrina was followed by The Great Recession of 2008–2011 including an oil spill and a moratorium on drilling in the gulf. All of this affected families and the church.

In spite of where we have been in the past,I am thankful to report that the year 2011 was our best year ever in terms of Bible Fellowship attendance. We averaged over 1200 in Bible Fellowship Groups. The previous best year was 2004 (the year prior to Katrina). I feel that we have finally recovered in numbers and leadership from the exodus following Katrina.

2011 also was a year in which we recovered to a level of giving prior to the recession. Again, FBC gave the largest offerings in the history of the church and met budget expectations for the year, a first since 2007. Last year you gave over $4,170,000 for budget needs and as well as significant amounts to build the ROC addition. I am happy to report that our Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions so far has totaled over $60,000. You also gave significant sums for local benevolence and for “Feeding the Needy.”

The following are projects that I hope we can move forward in 2012: First, begin a full-blown recreation ministry utilizing our basketball and volleyball courts and our recreation fields. Second, explore the opportunities suggested by our Transformational Church consultants to establish satellite campuses to help reach our region. Third, push forward with our Foyer expansion to provide needed Bible Study space.

Please join me in thanksgiving for God’s blessings in the past and in prayer for God’s leadership and blessings in the future.

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