How Do We Respond To Unspeakable Evil?

You don’t have to look far to realize our world is on the brink of disaster–and I’m not talking about economics. No, I mean in the areas of morality, civility, and concern for one another.

Think of the headlines this week. In our country another mass shooting occurred. Twelve people were killed in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.

What about the world scene? Bashar al-Assad, the dictator of Syria, has presided over the deaths of more than 17,000 of his own people–all for the purpose of holding on to power. To make matters worse, he has a large stock pile of chemical and biological weapons which could fall into the hands of Hezbollah. That would threaten even the existence of Israel. If Hezbollah gets those weapons, war is almost certain.

All of this is on top of Iran and nuclear weapons and the problems with Egypt.

What do we do in the face of so much evil and so many problems?

First, acknowledge the source. We have to remember that for all of the beauty of the earth, it is a fallen sphere. We live in a spiritual disaster area in need of God’s touch.

Second, pray for the victims and their families. We must be people of prayer for the folks in Colorado but also for the people of Syria.

Third, pray for the perpetrators. Pray for their salvation. Could Iran’s leaders be saved? Al-Assad?Remember, Paul came to know Christ in Damascus in the midst of his murderous intent toward the church.

Fourth, share the hope we have in Christ. We have people who feel hopeless all around us. Some of them are 24 year olds. Others are senior adults. Some are only 12 or 13. These people all need to know the hope we have in Christ. Unfortunately, most have never heard the real story of Jesus. They need our time, encouragement, and witness.

Fifth, give thanks for the servants and the heroic. People are serving today to keep us safe. I thank God for these people. In Aurora, three young men died while protecting their girlfriends. We need to give honor to whom honor is due.

Six, encourage and support those attempting to do right. When you see people doing right, encourage their righteous behavior. Some of the finest young people I have ever known are at our church right now. Young people like this all across America are committed to giving all of their lives to God.They aren’t the majority, but many of these people will do great things for God.

Finally, trust in the Lord through whom we have hope. I just finished rereading the Book of Revelation. Remember the theme of this book: God is on His throne; all earthly kingdoms will pass away but God’s kingdom reigns forever. We must live in that hope even in the midst of the world’s disasters.

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5 Responses

  1. Eivl behavoir has gain control over living beings in most cases in the context of western world some one walk in with a gun just like that and start shooting on inocent people what can we say it, world has run crasy since all of us see Lord very far and think is not seeing our doing we have to be very much prayerful because all human beings are nolonger human even a person you do not have any problem with the world of doom has taken its shape to fight all what is holy in this earth

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