Forgiving And Letting Go

Next week begins a new sermon series about which I am extremely excited. I believe it has the potential to touch all of us and bring us closer to God and closer to one another.

Forgiveness is a universal need, not simply one option out of many. All of us–Christians and non-Christians–must be ready to forgive and let go. Being unwilling to forgive is at the root of all kinds of physical and emotional issues. When we do forgive, we open the door to God’s help for the present and His hope for the future.

These are the sermons I will preach:

August 11, 2013 “Who Needs to Forgive?” Matthew 6:9-15

August 18 “The Problem With Not Forgiving” Ephesians 4:29-32

August 25 “What Exactly Is Forgiving And Letting Go?” Luke 23:32-34

September 1 “What Forgiveness Does Not Mean” John 8:1-11

September 8 “What Forgiveness Is–and Does” Matthew 5:7

September 15 “Forgiveness and The Lord’s Prayer” Matthew 6:9-15

September 22 “How Do I Let Go?” Jeremiah 31:31-34

September 29 “How Do I Know I’ve Forgiven?” Genesis 45:1-15

Would you invite your friends for this series? I believe these messages will speak to all of us and will help many people see the power of Christ.

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6 Responses

  1. Would you please provide me with suggestions of good reads about forgiveness specifically related to forgiving a spouse when you’ve chosen to remain married rather than divorce

  2. Sounds like a great subject and opportunity to address many situations. As we are many members of One Body and not all have the same office, so we, being many, are One Body in Christ, and every One members one of another. At least that is what I recall as I ponder Katherine and Arthur. I will let these names represent two people who lived for Christ till the end of their days. They lived as brother and sister and they were exactly that in the Lord and every other way. Arthur’s sister took care of him as his illness progressed till he died. She lived most of her 40 plus adult years on the mission fields of Africa. She served with a gentle spirit who came to visit her and help with Arthur. I was a pallbearer. I led them each Sunday and had visited their humble dwelling in Mid-city.

    I was no stranger to shotgun dwellings with narrow walls and single wire drop bulb lights with the switch on the light bulb, beaded painted walls and ceilings that had been invaded and stained by the elements over many years and floors where the finish had long worn off. I asked her after the funeral what her plans were. She said she was going to live with her friend in New Zealand, as there was nothing for her here. She, a living example of Forgiveness and Loving, a testimony to humble service, the Lives Changed by the Gospel in Africa, many miracles. They both were. Ah, all three, a Sister in Christ who crossed the world, frail, small, feeble, to bring comfort and open her home.

    Sometime perhaps Sherry’s story should be told and the words of “Dr.” Grey, “Its okay Sherry, we’re your family, you will always have a home here.”

    May your sermons find a perspective of coping with facing financial ruin and loss of health after a ‘life of service’ and promises broken. No pension fund, no stipend, no Love offering of appreciation for many services over many years; just memories of sacrificial giving (Blessings) now fading along with the rest of your abilities. Now picture someone taking what’s left. I think of Uriah, Nathan and David. I think of a conversation with Philip Matthew Hannan. I think, “Jesus wept.” May God forgive us. May we at least know enough to confess, repent, turn from our wicked ways, seek His Face (penee la penee) and pray. lo debar? God Forbid!


  3. This series will be a tough one to get through, but we all need to hear it. I feel like I’ve forgiven the many people who have hurt me deeply in my life, but I certainly have not forgotten the pain they’ve caused me. So maybe I need to learn to further let go. Looking forward to the freedom in total forgiveness!

  4. Remembering how Jesus made a way for me to be forgiven although I didn’t deserve or ask for it makes forgiving others possible. Like love forgiveness is a choice, an act, not a feeling. We are all capable of being deceived and all of us sin; we only think that our sin is somehow less hurtful than the sins of others. I am looking forward to this series, will pray for you and those it is shared with.

  5. My favorite definition of forgiveness comes from Lewis Smedes who wrote about it. He said it is like putting down a 50 lb. pack after a ten mile hike up a mountain.
    Another way to think of it is, it’s like setting an undeserving prisoner free, and then discovering that the prisoner was you. It helps to remember that Jesus says if we do not forgive, we are not forgiven. He says this in His love for us, since He knows the destructive power of holding a grudge [unforgiveness].

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