Don’t Spend Time–Invest It

Several years ago, one of the WWII veterans in our church told me how he saw the Christian faith. He said something like this: “when I look at the Scripture and the teaching of the Christian faith, I see that it is a very reasonable faith.”

That’s the same way that Paul saw the Christian faith. He believed that Christians are wise and that Christian wisdom is practical wisdom. In other words, it is “reasonable” and pertains to life.

Paul called on the believers in Ephesus, to “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15-17).

To show how reasonable Christian life and behavior is, Paul talked about behavior as our “walk.” Though caricatured in this way, to be in Christ has very little to do with “pie in the sky, in the sweet by and by.” It has very much to do with how we behave and how we look at the world.

This is so important that Paul calls us to look carefully at how we walk, not as unwise but as wise. We should take no thought for tomorrow, but we should take great trouble about how we live today.

This is the mark of wise and Godly people.

Wise people make the most of their time. Paul actually talked about buying up all the time that you could get. He referred to opportunity. Wise people use their time to the fullest possible advantage. They don’t spend time; they invest time. Wise people know that time zips by and that the days are evil.

Christians have always lived in “evil days.” We have always needed to make the most of every opportunity. That opportunity may never come again.

Wise people seek to know and do the will of God. Jesus Himself prayed that God’s will would be done in His life (Matthew 26:39). He taught us to pray “thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10).

The Bible contains a general will for all of us. Specifically, the Bible tells us to be careful to do all that the Lord has commanded. This is the same for all; it is unchanging.

Wise Christians also understand the urgency of knowing the particular will of God for our lives.

How do we discern that will? We seek the general guidelines that Scripture gives, but we do not find the specific plan of God for us in Scripture. We find that plan in prayer, careful thought and meditation, and the guidance of mature believers.

Wise people invest their time and seek diligently to know and do the will of God.

What ways are you “investing” rather than simply “spending” your time?

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