Bravery is Something You Do

My dad came from a  family of three boys and three girls. My father was the second child and the first son. The youngest child–his sister– is only a few years older than me.  As a young teenager, everything scared her. It really didn’t matter what it happened to be. It could be a bug or spider or something that went bump in the night. Anything and everything seemed to frighten her.

As the oldest son, my dad tried to “help” his parents with the parenting. I remember sitting on the front porch one night when the subject of my aunt’s fear came up. I was probably seven years old and she may have been thirteen or fourteen at the time. My grandparents lived on the edge of town. As we sat on the front porch that night, we looked out at the street, a swampy area grown up with tall weeds, the railroad tracks, and finally the town cemetery. I will never forget my dad telling his sister that she should not be so afraid and offering me as an example of bravery. “Why,” he said, “Waylon would walk to and through the cemetery right now and not be afraid.”

 I was so happy that it was dark. That way no one could see me as I covered my eyes and prayed that he wouldn’t make me prove my bravery.

I assumed that bravery is something that you either have or you don’t. It took a long time for me to understand that bravery is something that you do, not something that you have. We all have fear. Our fear has to be overcome and replaced with a resolve to do right even when we are afraid. That is why God commanded Joshua to lead the people of Israel and to be “strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9). It’s also why God told the timid prophet Jeremiah to speak God’s Word boldly and not be intimidated by those to whom he spoke. “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them” (Jeremiah 1:17).

Bravery is not something you have; it is something that you do because it is right. Bravery is doing what you know to do even when you are afraid.

This week you will have to deal with fear. It will come in many different forms. May God help you to overcome your fear and to be strong and courageous.

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