How Can I Know God’s Will?

I am enamored with how God makes Himself known to us. After all, isn’t this one of the most important aspects of life? In a recent post, I tried to answer the question of “How Do I Hear God Talking To Me.” You can read that here. In that post I mentioned three main ways that God makes Himself known to us. He reveals Himself through Scripture, prayer, and Godly advisors.

Moses could not take advantage of any of the three except possibly through prayer. Today, Scripture should be the primary way that we hear God speaking to us and how we understand His will. It’s hard for us to comprehend but Moses did not have law, Scripture, temple, or tabernacle to help him understand the will of God. It was the same way when God revealed Himself to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

In addition to Scripture, prayer, and Godly counselors, how does God reveal Himself?

God works through open and closed doors.

Notice how prominent open and closed doors are to Paul’s understanding of God’s will in Acts 16:6-10. Luke records how Paul had “been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.” They “tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.” This passage shows at least two closed doors. While we are not privy to “how” the doors were closed, they were obviously shut tightly. Therefore, Paul and his traveling companions went to Troas where Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia begging him to “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” A new door of opportunity had opened and this party of evangelists moved quickly. As a result of the vision, they got ready to leave for Macedonia, “concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

God did the same with Moses. When Moses originally wanted to lead the people out of Egypt, God closed that door (Exodus 2:11-15). The people were not ready for that journey and maybe Moses wasn’t ready to lead. The door to leave Egypt closed. Moses had to flee to Midian where He stayed for forty years. Then, God opened the door for Moses to return to Egypt. All those who had sought Moses’ life were dead. Moses could return (Exodus 4:19-20).

God leads. He does not leave His people without direction. He wants us to follow obediently and move decisively when He makes His will clear. We must respond to God’s leading with obedience and faith.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this addition to your sermon yesterday. I have found that events in my life have been God’s will which I did not recognize it until even years later. The nudges that didn’t go away.

  2. Yes, we do have to live by faith, knowing that God cares for us. Most of us only really see that it was the hand of God later. God told Moses that he would “know” that God was leading after Moses had done what he was supposed to do. God said: when you get to Sinai you will know. That took a minimum of three months and faith on Moses’ part.

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