The Most Difficult Time To Serve God

What is the most difficult time to serve God?

When no one else does.

Scripture makes this truth plain. We were made for relationships–relationship with God and relationship with others. We need one another. Think how many times the Bible tells us to pray for one another, encourage one another, love one another. Surely, this must have something to do with God’s creation of the church. God knows who we are and what we need.

We need one another. When others are faithful, I find it easier to be faithful. When I am all alone and no one seems to want to be obedient, I find it difficult as well.

Elijah, the Bible tells us, was a man like we are (James 5:17). Elijah struggled when he felt all alone. In fact, at the time of his greatest triumph for God, he actually struggled the most. After defeating the prophets of Baal, Elijah felt all alone and fled for his life. He certainly had reason to be afraid. Elijah struggled with depression and was ready to throw in the towel (1 Kings 19).

That seems to be common when we seek to serve all alone.

I really am amazed at the prophet Hosea. I find it difficult that any man could serve God without a faithful, loving wife. Hosea was left all alone to raise three children when his wife “went off the deep end.”

This is the wonderful part–Hosea never wavered in his service for God! When his wife left, Hosea remained faithful. Even though the people of Israel committed the vilest offenses against God, the prophet endured his emotionally painful life and served God to the fullest.

What about you? What will you do when all forsake God? Will you be found faithful?

May we vow–“as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”(Joshua 24;15). May we live for God and give our best for Him even when others don’t.

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3 Responses

  1. Waylon, the contrast you made of Hosea’s religion of our God vs. the religion of Baal, which “allowed the vilest offences against God”, that being the sacrifices of babies, brought to mind the relative evil of our present time ,abortion! We must continually pray and/or act to end this holocaust which has taken claim to 50,000 plus babies . The Spirit of God opposing evil definitely resounded in your message Sunday! Thank you!

  2. Bro. Waylon,

    I have been receivings your blog for a while now. I have really enjoyed them and found them to be a true blessing to me. I want to thank you and your church for praying for me durning my dark time recently. I can honestly say that I am back only through the grace of God. I praise God for his faithfulness and it is true that God is good all the time. Thanks again for your blog and may God bless and keep you. Also I plan on bringing messengers and vote you in as our next LBC president.

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