Whitney, Drugs, and Sadness

Whitney Houston’s death made me so sad. I obviously was not alone. People around the world grieved over the death of this pop icon. She sold 170 million recordings. She was 48 years old.

Martha and I spent some of Saturday night listening to some of her great hits.  “I Will Always Love You” once was voted the greatest love song of all time. Her rendition of the National Anthem at the Super Bowl is still talked about. Could anyone match her voice range?

We also watched a YouTube purportedly of her last performance. She sang “Jesus Loves Me,” a fitting way for anyone to end their life and career. But there was nothing of the “old” Whitney in the latest performance. Her voice was low and raspy, supposedly destroyed by cocaine and marijuana. She admitted to drug abuse. Late in her life she exhibited bizarre behavior.

In 2002, she famously told Diane Sawyer: “The biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy.”

Aren’t we all? Isn’t that the problem with human beings? We think that we know best and go about doing what we think is best for us. Then, we find too late that what we think is best leads to sadness and destruction.

Isn’t it also amazing how we think we were made for pleasure. We look for one thrill after another. Someone once told me we are being amused to death. When you look at Whitney Houston, you begin to believe that it is true.

But, here is the question? Were we made for pleasure or were we made for God’s pleasure?

The Westminster Shorter Catechism, written in 1647 in London as a teaching tool, begins by saying the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This is the real problem for human beings. We worship ourselves and seek to find pleasure in some way apart from the God who created us and who made us in His image.

Very few people had the money, fame, or adulation of Whitney Houston. I probably have no idea what she experienced on the inside or in the wider world. I simply think that it is sad that God has so many blessings that so many people miss.

May we resolve again to live credibly before others and help them to know a God of love and blessing.

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6 Responses

  1. She was an amazing woman with god given talent. Her gospel music in The preachers Wife was amazing. I am saddened by her life choices. I will pray for her family.

  2. Though I be crucified in Christ, never-the-less I live. Yet not I, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now as a mortal live, I live by His Grace, in Faith of the Son of God; of the One who Loved me enough to bring me to this moment in time, to have given Himself for me and all that I may become in Him. And may it be said of me that: I, and I, have in all things Loved…. Him. Him, who first, Loved, me…

    What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and you are not your own. For you were bought with a price. You are to Glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God’s. This, I frequently tell my children, grandchildren, wife and myself. It doesn’t hurt to hear it again from others who realize that they are intended to be their brother’s keeper, as it was intended from the beginning. The answer to the dodged question is: Yes, yes you are. Genesis 4:9 Romans 12: 3-6.

    Please pray for Wil Kingston.

  3. I too was very sad this weekend. She was so incredibly talented, but she lived such a tragic life. I always loved her music, and I felt a part of my past died this weekend. I thought it was interesting that she sang “Jesus Loves Me” as her final “performance”. It was as though she knew she was going to be with Him. Rest in peace Whitney.

  4. Yes, she was truly a music legend. I think she had the greatest female pop voice of all time. I loved all of her music throughout the decades. My favorite was her sultry ballad “Savin All My Love For You”. I think it is considered a great jazz standard now. The last song she sang on Friday night before her death was “Jesus Loves Me”. Hopefully she is with Him now. We will miss your enormous talent Whitney!

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