Quotes You Can Use (February 17, 2012)

“But now loneliness is loose upon the landscape. It haunts the penthouse and the rectory, the executive suite and the millionaire’s mansion, as well as the barren apartment, the assembly line, the cocktail bar and the city streets. It is, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, once said, the leprosy of the modern world. A popular song of some years back deplored the fate of Eleanor Rigby and exclaimed over ‘all the lonely people! Where do they all come from?’

“There is a simple and correct answer to this question: the lonely people live apart from God. They live ‘without hope and without God in the world’ (Eph 2:12 NIV). Their many experiences in alienation are rooted in their alienation from God”–Dallas Willard, Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, 45-46.

“It is not Christ plus something else. Jesus is enough”–AW Tozer

“God cannot guide you in any way that is not Christ-like. Jesus was supreme sanity. There was nothing psychopathic about Him. He went off into no visions, no dreams. He got His guidance through prayer as you and I do. That is, He got His guidance when in control of His faculties, and not when out of control as in dreams. I do not say that God may not guide through a vision or dream; but if He does, it will be very seldom, and it will be because He cannot get hold of our normal processes to guide them. For God is found most clearly and beneficially in the normal rather than in the abnormal. And Jesus is the Normal, for He is the Norm”–E. Stanley Jones.

“The biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy”–Whitney Houston, in an interview with Diane Sawyer in 2002.

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One Response

  1. AMEN.
    Jesus for our sake was lonely but once regarding the Father. Now many find themselves alone but for Jesus. Still, it is not good for man to be alone. Searching them out is the job of the Body, is it not? Thank you for searching, reaching and opening doors! AMEN. We are the battle ground, as it has always been and will be; until He comes again or till we meet Him. May we be as resolved as Paul that nothing shall seperate us from the Love of God!

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