Foolish To Some; Precious To God

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).

What did Paul mean when he said that the cross is foolishness to some and the power of God to others? What is the power of God of which he speaks?

Paul answered the first question in two different ways. First, Paul understood that both Jews and Greeks rejected and misunderstood the cross and its significance. Jews missed the significance because they assumed the Messiah could not be a dying Messiah. For the Messiah to be humbled and humiliated was more than the Jews could take. For them, the cross was a stumbling block, an affront, and even scandalous.

It was the same for the Gentiles. They thought any god who does not exert his authority to be something preposterous and ridiculous. After all, why be a god if you don’t take advantage of your power? For them, the cross engendered the idea of pure foolishness.

Second, Paul knew that understanding is a gift from God as well. The Jews and Greeks saw with human eyes, but the significance of the cross must be seen by spiritual eyes–it must be seen with the insight that comes from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, for those being saved the cross is the power of God. To those who are apart from God, the cross is an enigma to be scoffed at.

What is the power of God?

First and foremost, the power of God refers to God’s work to reconcile us to Himself and to give us eternal life. The Greeks–like most everyone I know–wanted to argue themselves into heaven. If they could do this, they had demonstrated their “wisdom.” If this were the case our eternal life would depend on our worthiness.

But God works not according to our worthiness but according to His worthiness. Therefore, His great work concerning the cross is the power of God in our lives. His work and His power bring us into right relationship to God.

Therefore, the preaching of the cross is precious–it is music to the ears of God.

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One Response

  1. Just had an interesting talk with my older cousin. We have been praying for her elder son, J. P., for years. He hah been diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder. He is a binge drinker. He was a substance abuser at a early age, the product of a father who essentially abandoned him as a child. He went through Teen Challenge and more rehabilitation programs than I can remember. Recently my cousin’s Church took him on as a prayer project. With help he has: received disability, is out of a half-way house into his own apartment and is holding a job landscaping. I personally had prayed with him numerous times, encouraged him, even gave him John Eldredge’s Fathered by God. Those things and the car I financed for him (out of what’s left of my savings) to get to work seemed to make little difference. Now with the support of a Church who puts feet to their prayers and prays, it seems he may restore his marriage, be the Dad he wants to be and be a productive citizen. But most especially, recognize his place in the “Power of the Cross,” Church.

    Good instruction! Thanks.

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