Can You See Jesus?

I well remember meeting Dr. Jerry Breazeale. He was the long-term respected pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bogalusa, Louisiana. About the best you could say of me was that I was a rookie who had just moved to the Superior Avenue Church in the same city.

Not long after I met Jerry, he moved to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where he served until retirement. Dr. Breazeale was as well-loved and respected at the seminary as he had been as a pastor.

I remember many things about Jerry and Connie Breazeale, but my all time favorite served as one of their favorites as well.

They loved to tell the story of one of their daughters that went something like this:

When their five year old daughter came to the dinner table, she was always being sent back to the bathroom to wash her hands and get rid of the germs. Once at the table, she was asked to pray to Jesus and bless the food.

After one of her trips back to wash her hands before she could eat, Jerry heard her talking to herself: “Germs and Jesus, germs and Jesus, germs and Jesus, that’s all I ever hear and I can’t see either one!”

We all have a problem with what we can’t see. Like the Breazeale daughter, we struggle with what God is like and how we can know Him.

Fortunately, God solved that problem for all eternity when He sent His Son to save us from our sin. Jesus perfectly revealed God and opened the way to salvation.

Paul declared that Jesus is the image of the invisible God and the fullness of God in bodily form (Colossians 1:15; 2:9). He showed us who God is by giving Himself on the cross for us.

Paul also said that Jesus is all we need. The writer of Hebrews pointed out that Jesus became the once and for all sacrifice for sin.

Though we don’t see Jesus in the flesh today, we understand the testimony of John the Apostle who said “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

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5 Responses

  1. I remember my dad talking about Dr. Breazeale. My dad pastored Memorial Baptist in Bogalusa arond 1965. Thanks for your daily posts. I’m always inspired by them.

  2. Dr. Bailey, what a lovely post to read! My grandma and grandpa were such special people. I imagine that comment came from my mom, being the sassy little thing she was. A very Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Thanks so much for reading. Your grandparents were special people. Your grand dad was highly respected. I do believe that was your mother 🙂

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