The Church Must Pray

Prayer characterized our Lord, and it characterized the early church. Again and again, the Book of Acts describes the apostles as praying. They prayed in the upper room and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. They prayed Peter and Silas out of prison. Throughout Luke’s look at the church, the people prayed.

Why is it that something so integral to the life of Jesus and the early church has become so hum-drum to the church of America? Could this be the difference between the power of the apostles and the power of the modern church?

Have you forgotten to pray? Have you prayed but didn’t believe that anything would come of it?

We must be people of prayer.

This week allows us to meet together with other believers to pray. This Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. Believers from our area will meet at the St. Tammany Parish Justice Center (courthouse) at noon. If you are working out of town, you can meet with other Christians at City Hall in New Orleans or the Capitol in Baton Rouge. If we are to take our country for Christ, we must be serious enough to pray.

Let me suggest other ways to become people of prayer.  Try these suggestions.

Involve your family in prayer. Include your family in your relationship with God. Why not have your own time in your family to pray this Thursday? Another way to involve your children is to have a Bible verse each week that you talk about each evening (at your meal or at bedtime). Use that time to help your children memorize a verse and help them get the significance of it. Each Sunday morning, I write about a particular verse of Scripture. You can use that as your guide for the week. I try to explain the passage. You can use my guide to put the passage into the appropriate language for your children.

If you live alone or no longer have children in the home, set a daily time for prayer. I have two set times during the day when I pray. Setting aside the time becomes a wonderful habit (one that I look forward to). In addition, Martha and I pray together each night.

Use your own life’s circumstances to find the time and place to pray. You’ll find God blessing you as you do so.

Martha and I are looking forward to worshiping with you next weekend!

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