Our Trip To Israel In Pictures

Shepherd boy leading his flock in Jericho

We fly into New Orleans today after a great trip to Israel. Martha and I agree it’s our best ever for all kinds of reasons. I want to share some of our pictures with you. I’ll add to this later on when I have more time to reflect.

As we stood in Jericho looking up at the traditional site for the Mount of Temptation, we saw a shepherd boy leading a flock of sheep and goats. It was a beautiful sight. Someone pointed and said: “Little David.”

The Mount of Temptation





The Mount of Tempatation has a monastery built into the side of the mountain which can now be accessed by cable car. The cable car and shepherd boy at the same time makes you think you have a split time warp.

When we traveled to Jerusalem, we enjoyed going to the Temple Mount. The mount is a huge area which would hold 600,000 people in the time of Jesus.

We were thrilled at least two times to step on stones from the time of Jesus. The level of the city of Jesus’ time is approximately thirty feet below the present city.

Thanks for reading and viewing. May God bless your day.

Original stones from the Temple Mount "Today We Walked Where Jesus Walked"

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4 Responses

  1. Waylon, thank you so much for allowing us to follow the journey with your words and pictures. It means so much. Marge Fortman

  2. Jericho was the place something I first heard in Dr. R. E. Glaze’s Romans Class was reenforced about Romans 12:20 as I visited a Bedouin camp in the old city ruins. I always thought as the commentators I read about the burning coals. In fact, that passage always seemed out of place lacking the “ring of truth” with their understanding. The context of the hospitality of the Bedouin which has remained remarkably unchanged as you noted in part explained it as a touchstone to understand. Heaping coals of fire to be carried above the head of the traveler equips him to set up his own camp the next night. It is giving ones warmth of life to another. For me it painted a beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit and the kindling of the knowledge planted within God’s own as most often referenced in the Gospel of John. (Dr. Raymond Brown) It is the last gracious act of a host who invests the center of his world into another who has partaken of his fellowship and provision then continuing his journey with Life more Abundantly. Romans 12:21

    Thank you for living the example. To that, I bear Witness. It is too rare in Ministry or only found looking under a bushel. Matthew 5:15. No pressure! 😉 May you be charged with Heaven’s fuel from the Prayers of His Faithful. You along with Martha who is also, you, and you, her. AMEN

  3. Waylon thank you so much for helping me travel Israel with you! Most of my journeys are through the eyes and stories of others. Walking where Jesus walked gave me goose bumps 🙂

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