What Happens When Society Breaks Down

Whenever there is a separation between values and practice, things break down. In ancient China, the people desired security from the barbaric, invading hordes to the north. To get this protection, they built the Great Wall of China. It’s 30 feet high, 18 feet thick and more than 1500 miles long!

The Chinese goal was to build an absolutely impenetrable defense—too high to climb over, to thick to break down, and too long to go around. But during the first hundred years of the wall’s existence China was successfully invaded three times.

It wasn’t the wall’s fault. During all three invasions, the barbaric hordes never climbed over the wall, broke it down, or went around it; they simply bribed a gatekeeper and then marched right in through an open door. The purpose of the wall failed because of a breakdown in values.–James Emery White, “You Can Experience A Purposeful Life,” (Word, 2000).

It’s not hard to make the jump to modern day America. Think of how we are attempting to live. Is it really possible to teach ethics and integrity without an inner core to guide life? Can we as a nation continue to thrive–or even exist–without a moral compass?

Of course, we can all complain about someone else. What about your moral compass? Do you seek the Lord your God with all your heart? Do you seek righteousness? Are you willing to submit to God’s authority and God’s way? Will you teach your children the ways of God?

Many problems are beyond my control, but my integrity is in my hands. Let us say with Joshua, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

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One Response

  1. Amen. And without the Body (Romans 12:3-6) recognizing the other parts, the members are as alone and adrift as those pointed out to Elijah when he fled Jezebel. 1 Kings 19:18. Now we have Christ, the Holy Spirit in addition to all that Elijah had. Shall we run to our holes, or discover the wonderfulness of God’s Bride wearing the “Whole Armor of God” this side of Eternity where the battle is fought?

    You are doing your best! Perhaps others will join you in Pentecost Prayer. Of course it will mean Acts 2:1b – “They were all with one accord in one place.” I see the place geographically today as not as important as the place being a spiritual condition of awareness. What do you think?

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