Move From The Known To The Unknown

Have you noticed people seem to be more concerned about what we don’t know about the Bible than what we do?

With regularity I see people who love speculations and theories. They seem to be much like the people of Athens who “spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas” (Acts 17:21). I’ve often wondered if Luke wasn’t putting the emphasis on the “doing nothing.” That often seems to be the case in the church. If theories and speculations take all of our time and energy, do we have time to pray for the lost or minister to the sick? When we talk about our theories, we certainly don’t have the time to listen to the hurting.

Let me give you one of the most important aspects of biblical interpretation: move from the known to the unknown. Don’t start with what you don’t know; start with what you do know.

The Bible is God’s Word. It is a treasure trove of guidance and instruction. God’s Word contains the guidance of God for our lives. What a more wonderful world we would have if we simply took the parts of the Bible we know and understand and live by them.

Take my life verses as examples. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us we have the opportunity to receive the guidance and direction of God. If we acknowledge God in every experience of our lives, he will direct us through life. I have no problem understanding what these verses mean. My struggle is to acknowledge God in every case. In those times when I do acknowledge God, I make life better for my wife, my family, my church, and all the people around me.

My other life verse is Psalm 19:14. It is the prayer or the will of the Psalmist that the words of his mouth and the thoughts of his heart would please God. This verse is not hard to understand.

Let me give you two quick tips about interpretation.

First, in prayer and meditation ask God what He wants you know from the passage.

Second, ask God and yourself what you need to do as a result of knowing this?

I’ve found that going from the known to the unknown and asking these questions makes a wonderful difference in my life.

May it do the same with yours.

If you found this post helpful, you may want to read Why And How To Pray Scripture as well.

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One Response

  1. We who Trust Him build upon His foundation paved with the lives of the Saints. It is sad to see us not getting any better than only making the foundation thicker. The same issues Jeremiah, Jesus, Steven, Paul, William Tyndale, Dietrich Bonhoffer, et al faced with the “establishment” is faced today. We have been Blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit of Pentecost, yet the evil one uses the same tools quite successfully.

    I remember coming back to the States to find my business and personal accounts frozen. I had spent all my ready cash on the Mission Field in Honduras and getting home. The “Church” I represented, who’s “Brotherhood” sent me and promised to cover my expenses was contacted when I returned with my receipts. The Director said to me essentially: I’d like to help you. I know I said we would cover your expenses, but I have children in the Ministry who may be hurt if I do.

    Before leaving the States: Several thousand dollars was owed to me. I explained my situation when I received the check for the debt payment. I was told, “Preacher, I swear on my mother’s grave and the life of my children, this check is good! You don’t have to worry about it!”

    After I returned and my conversation with my “Brotherhood Brother:” During the next “Deacon” meeting my situation was brought up. These are the words that were reported to me: “A man who does not provide for his family is worse that an infidel and therefore not worthy of our support.” Before the Deacon meeting, after exhausting all my “Church” relationships to get food for my family and gas for our vehicle, my parents lent me $100.00 with the reminder that my life energies are being wasted as a Baptist; my life was “delusional.” (A term that has since been used repeatedly by others to justify their actions/behavior.) Since at the time I was President of the Choir, served on the Deacon Selection Committee and privileged with information, I realized, I, a NOBTS student living on campus, was being used as a pawn in a private staff grudge match. (If you knew all the (church & seminary) context you may find it even more horrid, beyond belief.) It was indeed an eye opening experience. (The Blessings that came out of it much later from the Church [not that place] and Seminary were also beyond belief as only God’s own can.)

    God gave me encouragement in the reminder of those same verses which told me: it is only this way because people who say they are His, take His name in vain for their own earthly gain.

    25 years later the names have changed, as the saying goes, but the story remains the same. I had hoped and still hope a Sunday School men’s group, designed to get serious with God, would seek the Truth; attack (using Spirit Filled Scripture steps) head on conflict resolution within the “Body/Bride.”

    I have seen some interesting posturing and social interactions. People resort to what has worked for them in the past. Seems at times I am the only one who attempts like those before me, a Faith Walk. I have met others. It has been several years, perhaps it is like an ice berg, for I see little progress challenging “men of Faith” to embrace the Church for more than a hospital for the “sin sick soul” and I am still hopeful, as God has brought old and new conflicts lodged in violations of trust and has presented on going challenges for men to stand in Prayer and Faith together. The scars remain and hurt to touch; likely others have them too.

    Thank you for your steadfastness Dr. Bailey. Each has to choose whom they will serve, in every situation. It is hard for me to be vulnerable in writing this. I have had multiple experiences seeing committees great and small forge their own truth to sooth their pecking order. The same tools are employed to do evil regardless of social standing or culture. May this be an encouragement for some and a life line for others who do not realize the battle raging around them. AMEN.

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