Life Is Short . . .

Billboard in Mexico City

“Life is short. Have an affair.” That’s the masthead on a company which put up a billboard this week on a busy thoroughfare in Mexico City, Mexico, encouraging adultery. The company that put the billboard up is an internet company that specializes in helping married people have affairs. Other billboards are planned for Guadalajara and Monterrey.

What made this especially newsworthy is that one of the Mexican presidential candidates is featured on the billboard. Enrique Pena Nieto is the favored candidate in the presidential election. He admits to having fathered two children with two different women during his first marriage. Now he wants to be president of Mexico. The billboard has a picture of Pena Nieto with an index finger over his lips in a hushing gesture. Next to him are the words: “Unfaithful to his family. Faithful and committed to his country.”

I agree “Life is short,” but I would change the remainder of the statement.

The internet company gives us the impression that life is short and that our actions have no consequences. I wonder what Pena Nieto’s now deceased first wife thought of that. What do you think his other children feel about it? Life is filled with consequences. Sometimes the event more hurtful than death is an unfaithful spouse. And, it’s not just Christians who believe that. How many times do we read of domestic violence related to adultery?

Have you ever asked a police officer about domestic violence? A large portion of it relates to alcohol and adultery.

What a service could come to our world if billboards read “Life is short. Be faithful to your spouse. Love your children.”

Sadly, we live in a fallen world plunging head first into a state of chaos and destruction.

Maybe an even better billboard would read: “Life is short, then comes the judgment.” Jesus told us Satan is a liar. He lies to us about what is important and what really matters.

Please listen to and obey the Truth (John 14:6). He gives us the words of life.

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2 Responses

  1. think. frustrating when you see a typo after it is submitted; and can’t do a thing about it. Then comes the Judement? Ahhh. Good Point. 😉

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