How Can We Touch America?

As we approach the 236th anniversary of the establishment of our republic, we instinctively know our country is in trouble. Whether economically, militarily, intellectually, or socially, we know we face difficult days ahead. One sad example of the state of our union is the decline of the family and the number of children born out of wedlock. In the country as a whole children born without married parents exceeds 40%. In the African-American community, the number exceeds 70%.

How can we touch America?

Maybe Psalm 126 is a perfect message for the week of the Fourth of July.

Psalm 126 looks back on a time when Israel suffered some crushing blow and God restored the people. The Psalm asks for peace (vv. 1-3) and plenty (vv.4-6). The Psalm comes to its zenith in the last two verses where the psalmist speaks of sowing with tears and reaping in joy.

The agricultural metaphor may be increasingly difficult for urban dwellers, but it has significant meaning. Think of it this way. First, sowing comes before reaping. Second, sowing is difficult (the psalm speaks of tears and weeping). Finally, even a small amount of sowing produces a bountiful harvest, a reason for joy and happiness.

How can we use this and other psalms to touch America?

First, as the culture spirals downward, we can vow to be people of justice and righteousness, kindness and compassion. As the world becomes worse, we can seek to be more like our Master who taught us to love others as we love ourselves.

Second, we can fervently pray for revival and restoration. We can pray for neighbors and friends. We can pray for those who are hurting from bad choices and who have been broken by sin.

Third, we can sow the Word in a desert land. Who would have ever thought America could be described as a land mourning for lack of the Word of God? As we live each day, we will have the opportunity to give the reason for the hope we have in Christ.  God’s Word will not return to Him void. Sow with confidence that God will use His Word to bring people to Him.

Finally, we can live lives which reflect the joy of the Lord even as we look forward to the day of harvest when our joy will be complete.

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4 Responses

  1. It is a complicated world. Trying to boil down decisions in life to simple Truth has never been more complicated. Look at the Supreme Court Decisions of late. It seems like it should be easy; but, history tells us without a moral compass our intelligence is exercised more trying to get around intended directions, preferring immediate short term gains instead of patiently looking for the long term gains intended. One might think of it as eating the seed before it is planted or eating the sprouts before they can mature into plants (trees) that bare fruit in their season. We continue to polarize our society as we scream injustice when our quality of life is infringed while it is supported on the backs of those who in good faith worked until they were used up and cast aside or found themselves sick, even unto death. We stood by and said we would pray for the victims of Exxon Valdez (recently retired to its watery grave in the Indian Ocean after several name changes) as they waited a generation for compensation that because of the delay in payment would never mitigate the domino effects of damage. We are bombarded with advertisements for law firms who are litigating for those exposed to asbestos, Mesothelioma or lung cancer. Yet, how many families were destroyed, businesses bankrupted and jobs off-shored due to our weak national moral fiber. “Obama Care” (Affordable Health Care Act) is just one result of the pendulum swinging. (The Congressional Budget Office has an interesting report.) I am amazed at the framework of bigotry. I constantly have to ask God to check it in me. We only think we are interdependent in the Body/Bride of Christ or Nation when it is ours or we are personally adversely affected, up close and personal. We watch it happen around us and are too busy or insecure. We are thankful for our good fortune and go on forgetting the admonition in the book of James. If someone makes too much noise about it, then, they must have a problem. (They sure do!) It is a pattern that has not changed in all of recorded history. History foretells the shadowily image of our future. Ben Stein recently quoted an increasingly popular statement: I am confident America will do the right thing, after it tries everything else. What is true in family counseling I have found to be true in community to national interactions. Alas, if the Truth was all that was needed, then I would not be writing this and you would be preaching another message. It takes a collection of committed individuals who are like-minded for/in Christ and the Purpose of His Bride. (Very much as you challenged those who would hear this weekend.) Blessings!

    I contributed to and worked with the Bread of Life Ministry, it is no more. I donated to and worked at the Carver Center, it is gone. I supported Rachel Sims Mission, it is gone. I preached and supported the Brantley Center, it is gone. I supported the Ministry of John Curtis, Sr. at Coliseum Baptist Church where we were married and it is gone. Soon JPM and I will be gone. They will still ask (if remembered at all): What was his problem?

    Preach on Brother. Let each who has eyes see and ears to hear, harken to your words that there may be Joy in reaping in Him. Thanks to the guys who stayed on the road with a Brother this weekend. The Body edified.

  2. Thanks so much for all your posts. {Please pray for me tomorrow as I will have a surgery and skin graft on my leg and have several small places. It is “squamous cell carcinoma” will be praying for you and Martha, always for safety while traveling and enjoying your time away. love you guys!!!!!!

    1. Hi Celia — I don’t know you, but will certainly be praying that your surgery and skin graft will go well with no complications.

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