What I’ve Learned About You

Over the last year I have certainly learned much about writing, blogging, and communication. It has been a great learning experience, but I’ve also learned a lot about you.

Here’s what I have learned.

First, people need–even crave–relationships. Two of the four most read posts on waylonbailey.com were about me and my family! Both of those were written recently and had to do with family and relationships. You can see the top read blog here about the birth of our new grandson.

The other most read post had to do with our wedding anniversary and how I proposed to Martha. You can read this mushy story here.

Why should this surprise us? God made us for relationship with Him and relationship with others. Think of how often Jesus talked about relationships. The parables overflow with stories about our relationship with God and with others.

The church has it right about relationships. When we encourage people to live in community and help meet the needs of others, we please God and meet our God-given desires.

Second, we all like sports. The other category that guaranteed a larger group of readers is anything about sports. Actually, it may go deeper than sports. It is about Christian athletes. When I wrote about Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, and Bubba Watson, you read (I believe) because these are exceptional professional athletes who live out their faith. While we all like sports, we especially enjoy seeing people be faithful to God. You can read the popular post about Tim Tebow here. The post about Bubba Watson winning the Masters can be viewed here.

Third, we are concerned about the direction of our country and the future of our republic. That became clear to me when I wrote Today I Am Catholic about the threat to religious liberty. This was by far the most read post on my blog. Please read it again by clicking here. This is obviously a real threat. We must be vigilant about the God-given freedom to worship as we believe.

Thank you again for reading and encouraging me. May God bless you as seek to honor and serve Him.

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5 Responses

  1. I just read your June 27, 2012 blog. The reason I am only now reading it is because that day was also my wedding anniversary and was too busy to go near the computer then.
    James and I have been married 56 years, bet we are farther along this path than you. ha.
    Wishing you and Martha many more years together here on earth and praying for blessings here and hereafter.

  2. Sampling, your respondents are samples of your readership. The communication model is not complete without feedback and affirmation the intended message sent is received. Having said that, your point is well taken.

    Further, your point is a further indication of my focus message, the Scriptural Message. We were not created to go it alone. We have a purpose. There is the seed of knowledge implanted in each that does not come from our experience. The word for it is most often used in the Book of John, oida. In my view it is part of the concept “Epiginosko.” I think of it, as taking what God has implanted in ones soul along with using what one has observed in creation and life experience to provide a basis of Action for God. For us (all who are His) to “Prove what is that Good and Acceptable, and Perfect (complete), Will of God.” Be encouraged, as you encourage me.

    As I read Romans 12 in the King James or better, the original Greek. It is the direction for the argument and examples previously stated in Romans. It defines who we are, how we get to be who we are intended to be (individual to corporate) and how to manage what is given to us in Grace and Faith. (Wait. Do nothing in the flesh. Lessons Paul learned that we may know to make the best of what time we have for Him.) The word picture is found in many places but I find none as neatly arranged, covering so much territory in relationships, as in this passage, Romans 12.

    Thanks for making His Point and I pray I am making yours as well.

  3. Those were wonderful blogs. I had to go back and read the today I am catholic one. Keep up the good job you do. Reading the daily blogs helps keep me focused on what’s important in gods message. Congrats on 1 year:)

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