Ways To Become More Active

Recently, a report on health and longevity asserted as many people will die from inactivity as smoking. You may recall that about 1000 people each day die of smoking related illnesses. Smoking, obviously, is a killer. So is inactivity.

Your body needs to be active. Being active will help arthritis. This is, of course, hard to imagine. If something hurts, you are not inclined to move it.

I learned years ago the folly of that line of thinking. I have two bulging discs in my back and from time to time, something will slip and I have unnerving pain. Early on, my tendency was to lie on the couch and do nothing. That made my back worse. Over the last few years I have learned to get on the floor and exercise. It’s amazing what it does for a hurting back.

How can we become more active?

First, make a long-term commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. As I’ve said before don’t plan to lose thirty pounds in thirty days. That statement sells magazines at the check-out counter but it will do almost nothing for your health. Good health is a lifestyle commitment. It is a “for the rest of my life” commitment. If you need to lose weight along with being more active, set a five year goal for where you want to be. That kind of goal will help keep you on track and it will be good for your health.

If you would like to see a previous post on our need for activity click here.

Second, pray about your need for exercise and activity. Don’t you think God is interested in you and your health? Don’t you think He cares about your temple of the Holy Spirit. I have learned that everything I ask about is small to God. Don’t be afraid to cast all your cares on Him. He cares about you.

Third, take practical steps to be more active. Here are several ways: (1) Always take the stairs. I do this even when I go to the eleventh floor at Ochsner Hospital (but I do have to catch my breath before I make the visit!). (2) Deliberately park as far away as possible from the entrance to a shopping area, church, hospital, or football game. (3) Walk as many places as possible. (4) If  you work in an office, walk during lunch or on breaks (A lot of people do this in cities). You can also have a few exercises to follow during your break time. (5) Walk while you are talking on the phone. (Some recent studies have shown the danger of sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Some people are actually designing stand up desks). (6) Download apps for exercise. I have two exercise apps on my phone, one for push-ups and one for sit-ups.

Finally, plan a regimen of exercise that will help you care for your body.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Offer it wholly and completely to Him.

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One Response

  1. Healthy exercise is a good way to reduce stress.

    Can you think of other ways to reduce stress?

    I think you can. 😉

    Psalm 1

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