How Do We Respond To Human Suffering?

Again and again we see suffering around us.

Sometimes it is people who have gone through a hurricane. We certaiuly have seen stress and suffering around us. Long after the hurricane has passed, people are having to evacuate their homes because of rising waters and the threat of the collapse of dams and levees. Many people have been flooded out of their homes and others face the prospect of doing so.

But there is also the suffering which is less dramatic but maybe even more hurtful on an individual level.

How do we respond to such human suffering?

First, we need to mourn for those who mourn. You may recognize the words of Paul who called for believers to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15). The passage is set in the context of learning how to treat others. Paul told believers to live in harmony with others and to associate with people of low position. The context seems to indicate we are to care for other people and get involved in their lives. If you are involved with their lives, you will feel and hurt as they do. Sometimes, the greatest help for hurting people is simply having someone who truly cares.

Second, look for specific ways to help. In hurricanes, people have specific needs. Some people need help to remove debris while others need to have their homes “mudded out” after a flood. Every one needs the care of other people.

Third, go out of your way to make a difference. Thursday and Friday of this week we saw Southern Baptists throng to St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Many others have gone to New Orleans, Laplace, Houma and many other areas. These are people who have gone out of their way to make a difference.  After all, these people think of neighbors not as someone who lives next door but someone who lives in the next state.

I first met Southern Baptist Disaster Relief after Hurrican Katrina. I called these folks the “Southern Baptist Cavalry.” They rode in to rescue hurting people. They have now done this again. I am thankful that these folks are using the church building and parking lot of FBC Covington as their headquarters. We are blessed to know this kind of people.

Finally, pray. Pray for people who are hurting. Pray specifically. Pray fervently. Pray believing, knowing that God hears and cares. Pray knowing that God cares for those who suffer more than anyone else.

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One Response

  1. Disaster relief, world hunger, recovery houses, homeless shelters, facilitating ministries of others, equipping the orphaned or abandoned child are all ministries by Southern Baptists that took all my spare time and much of the time I did not have to spare.

    To tithe on the gross and not the net often meant 30 to 50%. My children took this in different ways as did the people around me in their social groups.

    Now as I face the reality, that while no one knows the time, the road ahead does not have the variety of choices or distance the road behind had. All those naysayers who said I was wasting my talents and strength helping others when I could have been laying up treasure and enjoying the “good life” of travel and all the sporting events, like skiing, hiking, camping, hunting, boating, flying that take up time and money have not been forgotten.

    I know what it is to have much. I know what it is to have little. I know what kind of character is a predator on the weak and what kind of character is a kingdom builder. My directions, comments and efforts have been in the Kingdom Building Business.

    We are the sum of our life experiences, our faith, His Design.

    Thank you for the privilege of seeing you grow in Grace and Truth.

    Blessings! Shalom, Shalom.

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