How God Works

The story of the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 is one of the stirring, exciting, and enduring works of God in our world.

Who would have thought that God could–or would–save Gentiles? Who would have thought that God would “go out of His way” to show powerfully that He wanted all to come to the knowledge of God?

This wonderful chapter shows how God works in our world.

First, God works with people of His choosing. As Paul reminded us, God chooses the weak and the powerless to confound the so-called wisdom of the wise. In this case God chose to work through Cornelius, a gentile and a devout proselyte to Judaism. He also chose to work through Simon Peter.

Why Simon Peter? After all, Philip, a prominent believer, lived in Caesarea (Acts 8:40). Instead of sending servants to bring Simon from Joppa, Cornelius could simply have made the in-town trip to visit Philip. Philip could have adequately preached the word and brought Cornelius and his family to faith in Christ.

I believe Simon Peter represented even at this time the Jewish part of the church. By bringing a person of Peter’s reputation and persuasion to Cornelius, God provided for the strong word that the Gospel had come even to the Gentiles. While believers in Jerusalem might question the message from Hellenistic Jews, they could not question Peter’s credentials for following the law. They did question why he ate with Gentiles (Acts 11:1-2).

Second, God works according to His time and plan. God’s plan and timing are flawless. The timing helped both Cornelius and Simon Peter to recognize the hand of God.

Third, God works through humans. Though God is sovereign and can do as He chooses, He chooses to work through human beings.

Finally, God demands obedience from those who follow Him. I believe this is one of the areas we overlook. God works through obedient people. Notice how both Cornelius and Simon followed God’s plan exactly. Both were out of their comfort zone but in obedience to God. God works through obedient people.

If we wish to see God at work, we must listen to Him and follow His plan. People who do this obediently will see the mighty hand of God in their lives. is my ministry across the internet. If you would like to receive daily postings from me, please subscribe at the top of the page. If you find this helpful, please share a link with your friends.



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One Response

  1. Some might call God an opportunist. Yes, God could and can do anything at any time, as long as it is within His Character. Ah, within His Character must be the key. A Character that is “Too Wonderful” for me to understand. However, while I cannot grasp it in its whole, I have the revelation of His Person in Christ Jesus to grasp in part. The most important part, as far as I am concerned. After all, what profit me to know the workings of the universe and its population? Neat to know and interesting as it may be, to be sure.

    Thus point three, “God works through humans,” is the point that reveals His Character’s referenced modality of operation. He is not above nudging the physical laws from time to time, but it is only so that we may bring Him the Glory (Relationship) for which we were created.

    Yesterday after Services, I took a few moments to walk around the parking lot and observe the physical manifestation of God’s Character in human-beings iconically represented in tents, port-e-lets, water stations, cleaning stations, feeding stations, support equipment stations, trailer/truck units and care stations. Perhaps I missed a station or two such as the Red Cross, Food Stamps, Assistance partnerships represented. Your fellow bloggers may be interested in pictures beyond what your previously mentioned when you stated the designed community purpose (strategy) of FBCC in its use and floor plan. You know…, obedience usually takes cooperation! “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”


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