What Pastors Talk About When They Get Together–Part One

I have been blessed to spend the last two days with pastor friends talking about how to do church effectively. We  enjoyed the time, and we learned from one another.

Have you ever wondered what pastors talk about in circumstances such as this?

Without betraying confidentiality, these are the areas which concern us.

BTW, if you would like to know how I view this kind of learning experience, click here to get my ideas about it.

Pastors could look at hundreds of different areas where we have concerns. These are the ones we discussed.

First, we discussed the black hole of technology. Have you considered how much churches use technology to present the gospel and help educate people? We discussed how to use technology and how to do so in a way that’s affordable. My take is you must use technology and it will not be affordable. But as they say, “that’s just me.” We recently had to upgrade our public wi-fi because so many people attend with a smart phone and want or need to be connected.

Technology includes video, projectors, cameras, wi-fi, and other areas which are necessary and very expensive.

Second, we discussed the areas of the church which “open the front door” to people who are not connected to a church. These are called “entry points” and pastors must know what they are.

Third, we discussed the growing number of people (especially the youngest generations) who are atheists or who tend toward atheism. We obviously have to learn what makes these people tick and how to engage them with the truth.

While we talked about a number of issues which are technical or practical, you can see we spent a lot of time talking about evangelism and how to reach an unreached world.

Fourth, we talked about managing our time rather than letting time manage us. This was the most surprising area we discussed. The pastors in our group all felt they were managing time rather than being managed. I was surprised about this because these guys are super busy and super effective. It’s good to know they don’t feel overwhelmed.

Tomorrow I will write about other areas we discussed.

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3 Responses

  1. Insightful, thank you. These are the same issues each Company faces marketing their product, staying relevant. An interesting twist on shareholder value and working in the black. This is a competitive world.

  2. learning how the lost tick , i think is the key. We must understand where they are coming from, to love and understand their needs. before sharing God’s truth. Jesus spent time with the lost, understanding everything about them. Then showing His WAY

  3. I just finished reading a new book entitled “Unchristian”. Very interesting insight about what the younger generations are really thinking about the church these days.

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