Living In Uncertain Times

You and I live in uncertain times. Amazingly, that often seems to be the most certain experience we have.

Think with me about all the areas we struggle with.

Will we have a nuclear Iran? Will our country deal with it adequately or hope it goes away? What about our economic situation? Health care? The breakdown of the family and the disregard for family?

We could go on and on.

How do we as believers handle the uncertainty of our world?

We must trust God. As I have prayed about our future, I am continually directed in my prayer to “trust Me.”

God wants to show us He is in control and that He is able to provide for all of our needs. The prophet Isaiah lived in uncertain times. He reminded us that God keeps those in perfect peace who set their minds on God (Isaiah 26:3-4). Peace will come through trust and setting our minds on God and His leadership.

We need to look at the example and teaching of Jesus. Remember the time when He and the disciples traveled to the other side of the lake? While they were traveling a storm came up on the Sea of Galilee, even to the point of capsizing the boat. The disciples experienced panic while Jesus slept.

They wondered if Jesus cared. Jesus, the Lord of the sea, calmned the sea with a command (Mark 4: 35-41).

Jesus did not panic at any point in life. He knew His Father was in control. Life for us gets hard, but I am most at peace when I trust God and let Him be in control.

As we live in uncertain times, let us remember and trust our God who cares for us.

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One Response

  1. “And you shall go out with Joy, and be led forth with Peace: The mountains and the hills will break forth before you into singing, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” And the song writer adds: As you go out with Joy!

    If you are stoned, suffer a thousand cuts or left to die as your brethren busy themselves with other matters. Remember to ask yourself, “Who do you think you are?” It’s okay. It’s only the first hundred years that are the hardest. We are not to judge, for they are judged already. Matthew 6:10

    Just a voice… Reminding us His Word does not return unto Him void.
    Just like you said Dr. Bailey. It all depends on God, and still, it depends on us too. As Jack Parker, father of an FBCC previous organist, said for perspective: The unsearchable riches of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    May Kent know with tears he is prayed for as our Lord reminds; and the Body lift up his children. For you who have ears to hear…



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