How Do You Save One Trillion Dollars?

How do you save one trillion dollars? That was the rhetorical question of Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

For the last four years Dr. Coburn (he is a medical doctor) has published the 100 largest wasteful and ridiculous projects in the federal budget. If the projects didn’t waste so much of our hard earned tax dollars, they would truly be laughable. Any person could make a quick decision not to spend money on some of these projects. By the way, one of the projects was to build a robotic squirrel and judge how a snake would interact with the robot.

As you know, when most people talk about the federal budget they say the wasted amount is “only a drop in a bucket” when the deficit is $1 trillion. Senator Coburn points out the fallacy of such thinking. If you constantly say, it’s only a small amount, you will never deal with the deficit or any problem you have.

Here is the point of this post. You conquer big problems by conquering a lot of small problems. Senator Coburn said you save $1 trillion by saving one billion at a time. You save a billion by saving a million at a time.

In the same way, we can cut $100 dollars a month in our personal spending by cutting $25 dollars a week or roughly the cost of a latte. I don’t have anything against lattes, but it does illustrate how you can conquer big problems by tackling little problems.

We can deal with our behaviors in the same way. By breaking our behavior into small bits, we can effectively change bad or destructive habits. For example, you probably cannot pledge not to lose your temper for the rest of your life, but you can promise not to lose your temper in the next hour.

Big habits get changed in small bits and pieces.

Try it. You’ll like it. And, you will find it very helpful.

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4 Responses

  1. A very good and useful life lesson. Works in a variety of ways. By the way, you show your age with the “Try it, you’ll like it” quote. I remember it too.

  2. Thank you. It is exactly the logic I employ. It is Scriptural! I liken it to being faithful in little will lead to being faithful in much. Unfortunately, it is a two way street when applied to social engineering. In social settings I have noticed the path of least resistance has been to ignore the long range benefits for immediate gratification. My own experience is, the stronger the stand taken on issues and the more dependent on God, the more isolated one becomes. It is no wonder the prophets in Scripture seem mostly to be isolated or troubled. Interesting? After all, when someone is principled in a way that challenges the norm, that someone must have a problem. Right?
    You made a statement last night that someone who is a liar in one area is a liar in many areas. That may be true. Unfortunately my experience has shown me that people can be quite successful in selectively being liars. I had a widow lady tenet who’s husband was a celebrated educator. As a principal, he received many honors and was quite successful. She was one of those who would call me in the middle of the night when she had a medical problem for help. A number of times I took her to the hospital. On one such occasion I inquired about the scares on her arms. She said that her husband drank and sometimes even when he wasn’t drinking he would cut her and burn her with his cigarettes if she did not please him. She said that for the sake of her children she stayed with him. Friday a week ago, another principal slandered me in public. I should be used to it by now. There are many ways to cut others. One would think a Christian body would reach out with its spiritual gifts and talents God has provided according to the Scripture. Unfortunately today, like the experience of the Apostle Paul, not much has changed. Stoning and beheading still occurs in many fashions.
    Catch the debate? Interesting how words are parsed into different meanings and the social paradigm of bias influences perception, which both affects and effects results. Cling to the Truth? What was Jack Nicholson’s line? “You can’t stand the truth!” Perhaps, our problem is where we put our priority in the “truths” we meet in life? Can’t get a handle on it? Then try starting off small with oneself and outwardly build. Truth in the God sense is an adventure that goes against the norm. The same tools apply. The question is: who is holding the tool, Light or dark?

  3. By the way, I stand amazed by your effectiveness for our Lord, the lessons you have learned, the team you have built and the challenge you give to the congregation in Christ Jesus. Accomplishments which have depended on Christ’s presence in and around you. General Patton hastened the end of WW2 bypassing pockets of the enemy in Europe. However, eventually the enemy positions had to be resolved.


  4. Thank you Waylon for this reminder and encouragement! These will help as practicing a new approach to tasks begins. This body puts the “s” in small, slow and stop 🙂 I will start with my thinking.

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