You Need A Home

Last week I had the privilege of meeting a woman who needed some brief advice. At the end of our meeting, I simply asked where she went to church. I love knowing people of other congregations and since she lived in our general area, I asked about her church.

Her reply surprised me: “I attend many churches.” Actually, this is not unusual. Many people attend several different churches without making any real commitment to any.

While this may seem very magnanimous and ecumenical, I believe it undermines what God has in mind for the church.

First, you need a church home because you need a place where you can be helped. When you regularly attend a church and get to know people through a small group Bible Study or a ministry, you meet people who can help you through life. We all need help. We need people to support us in prayer and we need emotional support from other believers.

Through the years, I have found people who are connected with others in church are truly cared for. Not just by a pastor but by the people. We miss something very basic when we do not connect with a church.

Second, you need a church home because you need a place where you can help others. As you get involved in a class, you will find people who need your help. It is more blessed to give than to receive–whether you mean giving money or giving emotional and spiritual support. Being a part of a church allows you to help others.

One of the complaints I hear about small group Bible Study is that “I know as much as the teacher.” That may be true, but what a blessing you miss when you don’t connect with a group and help the group and individuals in the group to grow. Sometimes, it is not the teacher who makes the biggest impact. By connecting with a group, you meet people for whom you can pray. We all need help in learning to become like Christ. You may be able to bless others in this way.

If you have been blessed, share that blessing with others.

I hope you will find a place to worship and serve today.

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5 Responses

  1. I have always attended church, but in my adult life I didn’t regularly attend a Sunday School class. The day after my husband passed away 12 years ago, a few ladies from one of the Sunday School classes at FBC in Covington came to my house bringing food for a meal and visited with me. I began attending their class the following Sunday. The love I received and the friendships I have made through that class have helped me so much in adjusting to my life without my husband. I have also received blessings from helping others who were going through troubles in their lives. We get together outside of church to do things together and I feel that they are now part of my family.

  2. Indeed. I seem to recall someone saying, “Forget not the fellowship of Believers.” 😉 It seemed that there one would receive help when another promise of our God was being attacked; which also happens to be in the 40/40 prayer guide for this morning and to the point: for individual, Nation and Church, Ephesians 6: 1 – 3. I have found my studies have confirmed and God agrees: it is Scriptural to build on the legacy left to the children. It is the way of the world to scuttle, convert to cash: to eat, drink, and be merry. Of course there is nothing wrong with enjoying life. It is also Scriptural to rejoice and celebrate the Blessings of our Lord. However, my experience has been much different these last 17 years. The “body of believers” has proved to be like those “of the world.” What a pity. What a shame. What a reckoning awaits.

    It is more blessed to give than to receive. It is not blessed to be pilfered. Tolerance of such behavior has consequences on both sides of eternity.


  3. Waylon Bailey is one of the finest inspirational and spiritual leaders of our generation in southeast Louisiana! We are BLESSED to be led by him!

  4. Waylon, you are so right! Many years ago I would have politely smiled at you, walked FAR away and continued existing in my disconnect from God and the church. It was a lonely place. The highs in life were temporary and often brought trouble. The kindness and relationships exchanged in those times were appreciated, but they didn’t build anything lasting, anything for eternity.
    I am thankful for my long time friend who kept asking, then suggesting, then telling me “God wants more for you, you really need to be a part of the church, come to our class, you will be glad. I am! So if you see tears know that many times they are from joy and thankfulness to be where I belong!

    1. Thanks to all of you for your comments about a church home. With you, I receive wonderful blessings from being part of a loving church. The problem is, you don’t know how meaningful church is until you are part of one. That is the challenge.

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