Where Do We Go From Here?

Any objective person can tell that those of us who care about the culture had a bad day Tuesday (election day). Washington state and Colorado both approved the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. Maine and Maryland approved same-sex marriage.

In the presidential race, abortion and same-sex marriage both received endorsements by the electorate (you wonder if people understood they were voting for these issues).

Where do we go from here? How do we engage a culture which seems to go away from God?

First, we must remember where we live. This is a fallen world and has been since the time of Adam. Nothing has changed. We still deal with the issue of people who are alienated from God and cut off from the blessings and promises of the Father.

People apart from God are hurting and in need of the love of God and a relationship with Him.

Second, we must remember that our fight is with principalities and powers. Our battle is not with our neighbors; it is with the prince of the power of the air. He has not changed. Satan has always been a liar, thief, and murderer. He seeks to condemn and destroy.

The other thing we must remember about Satan? He is good at what he does. In the garden, the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field.

Third, we must remember that the heart is the issue. Jeremiah knew the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. To change my attitude or view point, I have to change my heart. I have to begin with my heart, not my neighbors.

Fourth, the church must be real and authentic, truly being salt and light to a hurting world. Love must be our method and the world must see us in the light of Christ’s love. “Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a).

Finally, we have to remember that even in the worst of times, one person can make a real difference. That person can be you.

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10 Responses

  1. AMEN. Context, context, context. The echos of time remind, the instruction of understanding Scripture is understanding the “Context.” NOBTS 80’s.

    One of my favorite stories is from Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth Bell Graham. Mrs. Graham was reported to have been asked if she ever thought about divorce during her marriage. The answer was something like this: Divorce? Never! Murder, definitely. It also helps to remember that she was the mother of five children married to a man who spent much time away from home. I think the context of her life demonstrated the intent of “The Love Chapter.”

    You are exactly right in that our primary concern regarding the heart is its relationship with our Lord; Who is by definition of His Purpose, the Messiah, the One Who Saves. It starts with us; but that is only the beginning, as your testimony demonstrates. He leads us with the Holy Spirit to our Purpose, His Bride. Romans 12, etc.

    Regarding our community: Ezekiel 33, the Words of Christ and the directions of Paul. We are pitiful and shameful in the way we parse, band and engineer our social position to suit each one to their own way. Being the Light and Salt is ‘Living The Debate’ basics. Lets do the Basics at home, community of saints. Arm the Heavenly Hosts. Context takes time. It is hard. I am constantly reminded because I have experienced being sucked into what I call the “black hole of evil.” You describe it well. Such sucks ones life out and destroys. So I am reminded by my scars to guard my heart. Yet, Truth requires vulnerability. So here I am singing, “Lead me to the Cross.” Seeking to live a life of Worship.


  2. A few quotes from Ruth Bell Graham:

    “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.”
    “You can’t teach your kids to like spinach if every time they see you eating yours, you gag.”
    “No, I’ve never thought of divorce in all these 35 years of marriage, but I did think of murder a few times.”
    “God called you not to make your husband good, but to make him happy. ”
    “As a mother, my job is to take care of what is possible and trust God with the impossible.”

    Blessed in memory.

  3. Such inspiring words from you. Thank you for your leadership & for reminding us that one person can make a difference. If loving, sincere Christians are not the ones to make a difference & set examples, then someone else will. What kind example do we want that to be?

  4. May God Bless Your Heart Dr. Bailey!

    Thank you so much for the reminders of God’s Truth…
    Salve for my hurting heart and a tissue for my tears.
    Onward Christain Soldiers … armed with His Love and Truth.

    In His Grace,

  5. Thank you Waylon. The election may be over, but the battle isn’t so suit up, Ephesians 6:10-20! President George Bush’s identification of America’s greatest threat is not terrorists but, “The deterioration of the family.” (http://www.focusonlinecommunities.com/blogs/Finding_Home/2012/11/07/my-foolish-reaction-to-president-obamas-re-election) Two statements heard long ago by Beth Moore in Martha’s Wednesday Bible Study (I wasn’t interested, but a friend kept asking-thank you friend) stay with me today, “our best fight is on our knees in prayer and fight for, not with others”. Thank You Lord for Waylon and Martha and your protection over them!

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