Getting Ready For The Louisiana Baptist Convention

A year ago this week, Louisiana Baptists graciously elected me as president of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Now the time has come for the historic 165th annual meeting of the convention, a meeting where I get to preach and have the responsibility to preside. This year celebrates the 200th anniversary of the beginning of Baptist work in Louisiana and the 200th anniversary of our statehood.

I am thankful for the opportunity to challenge Louisiana Baptists tomorrow night in our annual worship service and business meeting. Any time I preach to a congregation made up of a majority of other preachers, I remember the words of baseball Hall of Famer Dizzy Dean. Dean, a real character in every way, addressed a group of preachers with these lines: “I feel just like a lion in a den of Daniels.” I feel something of the same.

At the same time, I am thrilled to get to encourage Louisiana Baptists as we continue the theme of spiritual awakening. Our theme for the convention is “Refresh: Awaken and Go.”

The annual meeting will take place in the Monroe area at the First Baptist Church of West Monroe, where John Avant serves as pastor. On Tuesday, Chuck Pourcieu, pastor of Broadmoor Baptist in Shreveport, will preach the convention sermon and Johnny Hunt, pastor of FBC Woodstock, Georgia, will preach the closing message.

The convention is a great time of fellowship and challenge as well as a business session for the convention. While presiding can be somewhat tedious (no daydreaming for me!), Louisiana Baptists are kind and gracious people. We should have a good meeting. I look forward to meeting with friends and hearing what God is doing in our state.

Please join me in praying for the work of ministry in our state as I pray for the places where you serve. Yesterday, I noticed this blog reaches all 50 states and in the last month was read in 50 countries.

May God bless you across the USA and around the world as you minister in the name of Christ.

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4 Responses

  1. People much rather be appreciated and flattered than challenged to look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror is often difficult enough for most. Preaching to the choir, as they say, seldom gets the message of Christ where it can do the most.

    Challenging friends can be quite a test of friendship. Loving your friends, family, etc., yet, Loving the Lord more changes lives, redefines: boundaries, goals, tools in the tool box of life. No wonder Jesus lamented over Jerusalem and Jeremiah wept for the people and his understanding of his mission. ‘Counting it all for Joy’ takes a different meaning entirely. It is a foreign concept for those who are less than sojourners in a strange land, as designed.

    As I reflect on my joining the armed forces during the Viet Nam conflict over a bit of family, etc. opposition, I consider how those who are joining today increasingly having motives other than of service to their country. Having buried a few veterans, it has been interesting getting to know their individual struggle. As you have pointed out and will do today, the news of who we are becoming is uncomfortable, especially to those who put it all on the line and leaving something of themselves there.

    Like most of your readers, I consider the pile of requests for donations sitting here: USO, Bibles for Veterans, Bibles for wounded American Veterans, National Association of Blind Veterans, DAV, Wounded Warrior Project, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Toys for Tots, Naval Heritage Foundation, Marine Heritage Foundation, Vietnam Veterans Association, The National World War II Museum and a host of other foundations and memorials for battles, wives, and the children of veterans. Because no one stood with me to proclaim and support “Truth” at a critical time, I will continue to pay my dues to the American Legion, AFA, etc. as long as I can and shred many of the rest except perhaps the Salvation Army. It has been an interesting study of how “truth” is shaped. This is not living in the past. This is the present. Nothing has changed in that part of the ‘Human Character’ from Scripture records to present. Thank you for the excellent job you have done to frame the human condition.

    No doubt you have prepared your message. You are in my prayers to be my voice in the Lord to make a positive difference among leaders, as is the Goal of Jefferson Parish Museum set by my father which I joined by request and God’s Blessing.


  2. Praying for the LBC and so glad to read about what is going on.
    We had a pastor at Coggin Ave. Baptist Church by the name of John Avant. Pastor John Avant lead that church in renewal. The last we heard Bro Avant was in Georgia. He preached at a convication at Liberty while we were in Lynchburg. If the pastor at West Monroe is the same John Avant let him know we will be praying for God to continue to use both of you.

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