What Can We Do To Help Others?

All this week we have looked at the wonderful impulse of many people to help others. We have seen what Officer Lawrence DePrimo of the New York City Police Department did to help a shoeless, homeless man in New York City. We have also seen the difficulty of helping the homeless man. If you would like to read the two posts relating to this situation you can click here to read about Officer Lawrence DiPrimo and his wonderful concern for a homeless man. You can click here to see that helping someone is more difficult than you would expect.

What can we do to help others?

Let me be quick to point out that most people who need help are hesitant to take the help and quickly get back on their feet and start helping other people.

But what do we do about those who are difficult to help?

First, we have to remember who we serve and why we help. We meet human needs because of God. He inspires and commands us to care for the hurting and needy of society. Whatever we do, we must do it unto the Lord, knowing we belong to Him and wish to please Him.

We should look at everything in life in this way. By doing so, we move beyond frustration or self-pity and go directly to our desire to please God.

Second, we must not easily give up or get discouraged. Even when we get “compassion fatigue,” we must continue on seeking to find real ways to meet human need. We will always have the poor with us, and we will always have the commands of our Lord.

Third, we must not settle for easy fixes. We must look for real solutions to complex problems.

Sometimes the easier way to help is really a hindrance. For example, all the studies show that our government’s well-intentioned distribution of funds and services has not lessened the number of people in poverty. Though it seems an incredible statement, government programs seem to exacerbate the problem.

Though our efforts seem fruitless, we must continue to serve God by serving others.

Paul had a pertinent word for those who seek to serve God. I quote this often to people around me. Don’t be weary in doing good, “for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). If we sow to please ourselves, we will reap destruction. If we sow to please the Spirit, we will from the Spirit receive eternal life (Galatians 6:8).

Therefore, keep on doing good and keep on telling the story of Christ.

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5 Responses

  1. It might be a good idea for every compassionate soul to step into the shoes of a land lord and serve in a homeless shelter. It won’t take long to find the wisdom of what you wrote. However, perhaps you missed the mark in the capacity of the Body/Bride. It is not intended to be just an individual effort, but a collection of individual efforts fitted together. It is part of the wonderment of Catholic Charities. It is also part of the wonderment of the disaster relief bundle offered on the campus of First Baptist Church of Covington after Isaac. Unfortunately, if there are resources like that around for the family which has lost their job, family in the hospital, suicide, deserted children, etc. I have missed them.

    I became acquainted with Jefferson Council on Aging and Catholic Charities when a neighbor came to me about helping their elderly friends who were being evicted. Catholic Charities was the only one equipped with a social worker, food and a capacity/willingness to intervene on behalf of the couple in need. Most “church” groups limit themselves to a bag of food and sometimes a bit of help with a utility bill, usually on a one time basis.

    There are people who have adopted a way of life such as your homeless example. Their desire is mostly to be left alone as long as they have what their genetic code is craving. Society is a complex blend. One thing in common is the will to live in the moment. Few think much further than the next prize. That is a phenomenon that is not limited to homeless people. I found after Katrina when I was faced with multiple evictions after doing all I personally could to get the tenants help, Catholic Charities was overwhelmed. When I sought advice at FBCC the consensus was that I should hire a professional manager rather than get personally involved. I asked for help for a local Covington issue and was told to just leave it alone. That was interesting.

    Many issues are not solved with a hand out: boots, food or funds. They may help. Many issues are solved with institutional knowledge. People who realize the legal challenges of dealing with suicide for the survivors. People who can assist in assessments of how best to direct individuals in need to the help required. I recall an elderly couple who wrote an NSF check. I asked for a profile of their expenses to explain how the income on their application was not sufficient now to pay for their rent. Faced with eviction they made a few life style changes and have been doing well since.

    I am glad to see a directory of businesses come out of FBCC and I pray there will be some planned oversight for conflict resolution. It well not to be weary of well doing. Remember the challenge? We do it not because it is easy but because it is hard.

    Thank you. May we keep listening and learning from the Author of every Good Work.


  2. Government and all of it’s agences CANNOT and WILL NOT do what our church and families do best when helping people. Real help is not just writing a check. Real help is compassion, prayer, encouragement, problem sloving, resources seeking, etc…. and most of all LOVING by coming along side our fellow people and walking with them for a while until they can walk on their own. Sometimes we are led by the spirit to back off but Praise be to God , ‘that’ it is His decision. Sometimes a short walk is all that’s needed, sometimes it’s a long walk, and sometimes it’s a walk til God calls us home. May God BE the glory of all we do to help others.

    May God Bless Your Hearts

    In His Grace

  3. Thank you Kathy! Be not weary of well doing is easier said than done; when the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak; and getting weaker over time. Seemingly the only Hope is: Jesus come quickly. AMEN.

    1. hi waylonif every one would put christ back in christmas praier back in schools love in our hearts it would chaNGE THE WORLD

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