Things That Matter

Christmas is all about things that matter.

We often forget how important Christmas is and that it is about accomplishing God’s plan for the world. Though Paul never told the Christmas story, he alluded to its impact and meaning repeatedly.

First, Paul emphasized that Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. Paul knew that through Christ we have redemption from sin. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting our sins against us (2 Corinthians 5:19).

Second, Paul’s letters remind us that we are new people in Christ. Because of the coming of God into the world, we have experienced the newness of life. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Third, Paul called for the church at Philippi to be like Christ, having the very mind of Christ. What was the mind of Christ? He emptied Himself, taking on the form of a servant (Philippians 2:5-7). This is a picture of the Christmas story. It is not the story of what happened on earth. Rather, it is the story of what happened in heaven as the Father commissioned the Son to come to earth for the redemption of human beings.

If this is our example in Christ, what should our lives be?

First, we are compelled by the love of Christ to live for Him and make Him known to the world (2 Corinthians 5: 14). Since Christ died for all, “those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:15).

Second, we should be the agents of redemption. Since we have been reconciled to God, we should be the ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:20). I learned this verse early in my church life at a Baptist ministry for boys called Royal Ambassadors. We learned that we have a special place in God’s plan. We are to take our reconciliation and use it to help others know Christ and experience His love.

Third, we are to take on the attitude of Christ Himself. As Christ humbled Himself, we should also humble ourselves. As Christ came to serve, we should serve.

Christmas should be special. It shows us God’s plan for a hurting world.

May you and I share this precious redemptive message.

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One Response

  1. Paul explained in all those quotes our “Reasonable Service” in response to the Miracle of Christmas. We are to live the debate. To be the Book of John’s Light in a dark world. A candle alone is one candle power. To be the Light to the world one needs more than one candle power. Paul, again and again, proclaimed that the debate would be won one at a time acting together as One in Spirit and Deed. He realized Christ’s Lordship in himself and others is God’s Plan. He said what it looks like in Romans 12:5. He explained how to look at it, the Bride, in Romans 12:4. He explained how it functions using the only social mechanics known at the time to build a society which were in no way inclusive as demonstrated: preferring one another in Honor and Brotherly Love & giving to the necessity of the Saints. All was given in the context of: hard work, diligence, focus, Interdependence with each other and all on God in Christ Jesus’ provision through the one who walks along side, the Holy Spirit. He told how this Body/Bride was to act within itself and how to win the Debate with Darkness in the World where God’s seeds were planted waiting for Light and Water. Romans 12 covers much ground. All of Paul’s writings, all the statements of Christ to His Disciples supports the Design detailed in Romans 12.
    Thank you!


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