Quotations You Can Use (December 14, 2012)

“God is our Father who loves us. We are part of Him. It is not difficult for Him to guide us. He longs to do so, and nothing is too difficult for His omnipotence, and nothing too small for His love”–Corrie ten Boom, Not I, but Christ, 31.

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness”–James 3:17.

“It’s impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same moment in time. Any moment, hour, day, or week that you are unhappy, you have chosen to let your focus rest on something other than the gifts you have been given. Let your unhappiness serve as an alarm to redirect your focus and energy. If you want to increase your happiness, follow Solomon’s example: Make a list of all the things that you should be grateful for. Then, every time you notice unhappiness creeping into your thoughts, redirect your focus to those wonderful gifts”–Steven K. Scott, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived.

“The more you practice feeling grateful, the more grateful you become. Gratitude is a muscle you strengthen through daily use — an exercise, not an emotion. It’s not something you feel, but something you do. And like most things, the people who are best at it are the ones who do it even when they’re tired and worn out and don’t much feel like it”–Jeff Goins.

“Contemporary Christianity speaks a great deal of the need for faith in God. This is a proper emphasis. Unfortunately, we all too often act as if we cannot believe unless there is certain proof. Where there is such proof, no faith is required. God asks us to have eyes to see what others refuse to see. This requires faith. Wonderfully, faith is something that all can have. It is also something that all must have. We must not look so hard for miracles that we fail to see God. For it is only as we see God that we can begin to see His miracles”–Robert L Cate, Help in Ages Past, Hope for Years to Come, 20.

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3 Responses

  1. I asked, “can you drink something hot and actually cool down?”

    There are all sorts of receptors in all sorts of nerves, but the nerves in the tongue have a lot of one particular receptor that responds to heat. It’s called the TRPV1 receptor, if anyone wants to know.

    So when you eat or drink something hot, these receptors get that heat signal, and that tells the nerve to let the brain know what’s going on.
    When the brain gets the message “It’s hot in here,” it turns on the mechanism we have to cool ourselves off: sweating.

    Yes, the hot drink makes you hotter … but it does something else, too.
    “The hot drink somehow has an effect on your systemic cooling mechanisms, which exceeds its actual effect in terms of heating your body,” says McNaughton.

    One other interesting thing. These TRPV1 receptors respond to hot heat, but they also respond to chemicals in chili peppers, which is why chili peppers seem hot. “That’s probably why chili peppers are so popular in hot countries because they cause sweating and activate a whole raft of mechanisms which lower the temperature,” he says.

    Peter McNaughton, a neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge.

    Some things are interesting to know; others may save a life. Found the above on web.


  2. Now, Joseph, a just man was he,
    Had thought to divorce her privily.
    Until the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream,
    Saying “fear not,” as all was not as it seemed.

    The baby is of the Holy Ghost, he was told,
    Thus fulfilling the prophecy of old.
    In Isaiah 7:14, to be precise,
    And Chapter 53 foretold His ultimate sacrifice.



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