Giving For God’s Kingdom

Last week I made several suggestions of where you could give any extra money you have at the end of the year. Thank you for considering those options–the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, our new multi-campus ministry in Metairie, Benevolence needs in our community, and the future Education Building of First Baptist Church.

Many of you have already given to those needs. Thank you for doing so.

Today I want to let you know what First Baptist Church has done with extra money as well.

We are a church seeking to make Christ known in our community and around the world. We seek to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our world.

Our vision and purpose statement reads: We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life changing relationships.

In accordance with our purpose, we recently distributed an additional $60,000 to minister in the name of Christ.  About half of this went to international needs such as the joint mission efforts of Southern Baptists (the Cooperative Program), our state Baptist college (Louisiana College), and disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy.

The other half has gone to local missions, ministries, and community services such as the Covington Food Bank, the Samaritan Center, the Crisis Pregnancy Center, and Camp Living Waters.

This is in addition to 0ver $500,000 we have already given for missions and ministries this year. Our budget allows us to give over 12% of all your gifts to needs and ministries beyond our church.

We are thankful to partner with all of these groups.

Thank you for making this possible through your faithful giving through First Baptist Church.

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One Response

  1. Sounds like there is no end to Romans 12. 😉

    Just as there is no end to the unsearchable riches of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Just as the the unquenchable Fire of the the Holy Spirit is by definition, unquenchable.

    First Baptist Church Covington is leading the Debate for Christ. Always there is more. “The poor, you will have with you always,” Is a verse that comes to mind. My prayer is that First Baptist Church continues to rise to the Challenge of the Debate.

    For those who do not know what I mean when I say the “Challenge of the Debate.” It is Christ’s challenge to His. To sum it up He said essentially: By your Actions the world shall know you are my Disciples. Disciples with a Purpose, a Focus, a Mission: Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on earth as It is in Heaven. Masons have a saying: one should never speak a word in defense of Faith, Actions show It.

    I once heard a fellow by the name of Fisher Humphreys say regarding the duties of a parent: The world shouldn’t have a chance with your children. Your example of living your life should model right behavior. Your dedication, your availability, your devotion to your family will provide your children with a security, an importance, a respect in consideration with which the world could never compete. Children look outside a home to fill a need they are unable to fill there, they need to feel important. They need to know they are not only important, they are indispensable, but not the goal themselves.

    Do you think he set the bar too high? It took me a decade or two to realize he was not just challenging his students to be good family people. He was reminding them of how God is to us and how He expects us to be like Him as far as our human condition allows. There is no more important role for a parent than to be in the shadow of God in Christ Jesus who Loved us and gave Himself for us. Ideal? As you said Dr. Bailey in your quotes, “We do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” Then, where else would or could one find unspeakable Joy if not the realization of Church?

    Thank you Dr. Bailey. Bless you Dr. Humphreys!


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