Quotations You Can Use (February 1, 2013)

“The paradox of vengefulness is that it makes men dependent upon those who have harmed them, believing that their release from pain will come only when they make their tormentors suffer. In seeking [vengeance] to free himself, [the man chains] himself, once again, to his tyrant”–Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken, 377.

“In my conversations with younger brothers and sisters one question comes up again and again. It is: How can I know that I am walking in the Spirit? How do I distinguish which prompting within me is from the Holy Spirit and which is from myself? . . . .[Some] are trying to look within, to differentiate, to discriminate to analyze, and in doing so are bringing themselves into deeper bondage. . . . inward knowledge will never be reached along the barren path of self-analysis. . . .such self-knowledge does not come by our turning within; by our analyzing our feelings and motives and everything that is going on inside, and then trying to pronounce whether we are walking in the flesh or in the Spirit”–Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life, 703-705.

“Let us never forget that what we are is more important than what we do”–James Hudson Taylor.

“. . . Satan can use sleep to defeat us. What were your last thoughtsbefore you went to sleep last night? I have learned that when I fall asleep while reading the Bible or praying, a wonderful fellowship with the Lord continues, even in my dreams. Dreams can be a strategic point for the Enemy since we cannot control them. Before I go to sleep, I often pray, ‘Lord, will you fill my subconscious with Your peace and love, by your Holy Spirit?’ The Lord always gives His peaceful sleep, far more wonderful than that given by sleeping pills”–Corrie ten Boom, Not I but Christ, 90.

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6 Responses

  1. Amen.

    We are the sum of our experiences plus God in Christ Jesus, His Spirit, His Angles and perhaps, just maybe, the Bride of Christ may show up to be included in who we are. Ed Matthew, Quest to realize His Church, JPM

    Romans 12:5


  2. Let go and let God, , , , deal with everything in your life, , , , including those who you believe have harmed or wronged you! The flesh says, “I want to SEE them get what’s coming to them!” The Spirit within says, “REST” and know that God is in control and He is just! They are His problem, not mine! He and He alone can and will deal with them accordingly. Maybe not today or tomorrow or next week or next month or even next year! But REST and know that He takes care of business so we don’t have to! “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord” and “leave room for God’s wrath” — In other words, you do something to me? My Dad’s taking care of His little girl and, , , , I wouldn’t want to be you! : )

  3. Brenda,

    It is not right to want those they love or have loved to be subject to God’s vengeance while there is an opportunity this side of eternity to repent, confess, make restitution; even if it only means only showing willingness with sincerity. God’s Love is not denied them too. God’s condition as well as His provision is the same. I do not judge; I do know the Truth of my experience which has been called both lie and fabrication with dissembled team construct to make her case. We Pray for Mercy not Justice. Romans 12:21 is not just a solo assignment. Dr. Bailey made a good case for being “optimistic for His Church.” The case Dr. Bailey made is before us in every direction.

    My cry is but one of many in the wilderness of plenty.

    Thank you dear lady.


    1. You are right Ed! Lord please have mercy on all of those who have wronged me. In the meantime Ed, for myself personally, I’m not going to run around trying to ‘right their wrongs’ — maybe I’m just lazy! But that’s a big job and I’m a little woman! Knowing God is taking care of things and he is in control allows me to sleep well at night and I like that! : )

  4. I no longer have the warm feeling of love, hope and peace that I used to have whenever someone would say to me, “I am praying for you” or “you are in my prayers”. I used to be so naiive that it never occured to me that those phrases could mean anything but well meaning petitions for God’s love and best to be manifest in my life. But surverys have shown that more than half of people admit to praying for bad things to happen to others. Probably many more would never admit it. I could not have imagined it before, but it is apprently true that some “Christians” really do that. The hateful attitude that I observe from “church” people on facebook, in emails forwarded en mass, in divisive political rhetoric, and competitive sports fanatics, which is so different from the facade displayed inisde the church building, has been a painful reminder of why I left the church I grew up with. There the deacons marched down main street with KKK robes on and young people were escorted out of revival meetings because they were wearing denim jeans. Even then I did not realize how hate filled church people could be. I hear and read about how our country is no longer a Christian nation as though it had nothing to do with them. The church sends missionaries to foreign countries to spread the gospel, but church members won’t talk to their next door neighbor about Jesus. They won’t evangelize their own subdivision or apartment building or their own town or state. If there are fewer Christians now than 50 years ago, isn’t that the failing of the current generation of “believers”? How is all that hate going to serve to reach or convert the lost? Why would a lost person want to follow those who instead of practicing forgiveness, prays that God will cause harm to come to come to others? It gives me cold chills.

    1. Oh Joy, I believe that when people say, “I’m praying for you” or “you are in my prayers” that that certainly means that person is praying Gods goodnes towards you. Certainly! That is NOT what I am talking about when I say, “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord” — I will be perfectly blunt here, for example: When I was seventeen years old I was raped by a black man. Now, that incident did not make me hate black people. It did not make me hate men and it did not make me hate black men. Certainly God have mercy on that man and I have forgiven that man for what he did. However, I absolutely do not feel any need to make any kind of reparation with that man, a stranger! Absolutely not! No idea where he even is! But, I rest in the assurance that God will deal with that man as he sees fit. That man is not my problem, he is God’s problem. God bless you, have a great day! — and I sincerely mean that. : )

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