Reading The Bible

After viewing the History Channel’s first installment of the Bible, I highly recommend that you begin a systematic plan to read and know the Bible. At the minimum, we should all be reading the Bible on a daily basis.

You can view my critique of the Bible as presented by the History Channel by clicking here.

This is my suggestion for getting started with the Bible.

First, begin with the New Testament. If you are a new believer and have read little of the Bible, start with the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John is about belief and faith. It gives the story of Jesus and calls you to experience His saving power.

If you have been in church over the years but still have not read through the Bible, simply begin with Matthew and read to the end.

Second, establish a plan that suits you. The New Testament is approximately 270 chapters. Set a goal that is doable and not a burden. You could read the New Testament in nine months by simply reading a chapter a day. Obviously, two chapters a day will take four and one-half months and three chapters will take 90 days.

If you plan to read through the Bible, begin in Genesis and read straight through. The entire Bible is about 1200 chapters. Three chapters a day and four on occasions will allow you to read through the Bible in a year. Two chapters a day and you can finish in less than two years.

Third, don’t make this a competive contest. Make it a plan to experience God through the Scripture. If you get behind, don’t quit. Simply pick up and move forward.

Fourth, read for general comprehension. You will not be able to understand everything. Remember, we are talking about God. You will not know everything, but you will know more than you’ve ever known before.

Finally, ask God to change you through His Word. He gave us the Bible to reveal Himself to us. Ask Him to do so, and humbly submit yourself to Him. The Apostle James said: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

Do this and you will be blessed.

I have written several posts about reading the Bible and a daily devotional life you may be interested in. Here are several to help you. First, look at this post on Practical Helps For Using The Bible. Then, click here to read Getting Started In Your Private Worship. Finally, read what I do each day in My Morning Routine.

If you would like to receive a daily devotional in your inbox every morning, you can subscribe at the top of the page or you can email me and I will subscribe for you. It’s completely free.

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6 Responses

  1. Couldn’t agree more! READ THE BIBLE! I have been reading the Bible through each year for more than thirty years and some times even make it through twice. Each time is as fresh or fresher than the time before. God willing, I will make it through twice this year. For those who prefer an “app” I recommend YouVersion because of the many “read through” options that are available. We cannot live “biblically informed lives” as Christ followers if we are not “biblically informed!”

  2. The first time I read through the Bible was about 53 years ago when I was 12. I started in Psalms because the chapters were short. I went from there all through the rest of the Bible and then went back to Genesis. I finished but I realized that if I had started in Genesis, I would have quit because of the “boring” information after Exodus, Also, the Gospels can become repetitious. I now read several chapters from the first 5 books. Then go to Joshua, followed by Ezra and Isaiah. For the New Testament, I read a Gospel and then several of Paul’s letters and go back to the next Gospel, etc. This way I can stay interested; even when one reading is boring, I have more interesting reading the next day.

  3. It is good to read such comments and find such good advice. I guess I was 12 when I first read through the Bible. A King James Version my Maternal Grandmother gave me. If I were to suggest a first timer to read the Bible, I would suggest the book of John and then Mark to be followed by Matthew and then Luke. I would then suggest the Epistles before reading reading Acts. Then Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes before heading to Genesis leaving Revelation to last. I would always sprinkle the writings of Paul into the other readings as a reminder of what has been done to create the opportunity that awaits in the next moment: to fulfill His Purpose in this life, This Body, This Church.

    Thank you!


  4. “Fourth, read for general comprehension.” … this suggestion has helped me. Study readings are separate, more is covered and learned. Thank you!

  5. I’m trying, but it’s so hard to get through Exodus and Leviticus- all those laws and guidelines for living. I am enjoying Numbers with Martha!

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