The Meaning Of The Cross

While the cross of Christ seems somewhat of a straight forward event, the deep meaning is beyond human comprehension.

The great expositor, John Stott, spoke of the difficulty of the cross by reminding us that much remains a mystery: “Christians believe that the cross is the pivotal event in history. Little wonder that our tiny minds cannot fully take it in! One day the veil will be altogether removed, and all will become clear. We shall see Christ as he is and worship him through eternity for what he has done. ‘Now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.’ ”

Yet, Paul gives us a glimpse of the meaning of the cross. In 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Paul gives us an understanding of the deep meaning of the cross.

First, the main idea of this passage is reconciliation. Reconciliation denotes a thorough change in a relationship. In Christ, God has brought about a change in the relationship between Himself and the lost world. Through the work of Christ on the cross, sinful man has been reconciled to God. Our war with God has ceased and we are made new in Christ.

Second, because of the cross, we are made to be new people. The old way of life has ended; the new has come. I am no longer the person I used to be. I am a new man  in Christ.What could be more wonderful and astounding? Through the cross I am new!

Third, on the cross, Christ became sin for us. He who knew no sin became sin for the removal and forgiveness of our sin. What He had–righteousness–He gave to me; what He had never known–sin– He took from me and nailed it to the cross.

Finally, all of this is God’s work. We cannot secure our own salvation. It comes through Christ alone.

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!

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One Response

  1. The Cross? The Cross. The Cross!

    Face to Face. The Cross.

    Change that counts. The Cross.

    More than a conqueror: “to get possession or control of by or as by winning a war; to overcome by physical, mental, or moral force; to defeat, to win; to be victorious.”

    More than all of that? Just as you said. And, the reason Paul spent so much time relating the information he Discovered to bring Light into the incomprehensible (epigenosko or Knowledge upon Knowledge, Full Knowledge) that he wished us to comprehend, the importance of each soul as it fits into the puzzle, The Bride, The Body of Christ. Romans 12:5 can only be, through the work of the “Cross.” AMEN.
    The war with God becomes the War equipped to subdue the animal characteristics in favor of the Spirit’s (each individual’s) to find Its Place in His Design.
    Thank you!

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