Do You Have A Hearing Heart?

I am amazed with how Solomon, David’s son, started out as king over Israel; I am saddened with how he ended as king.

What made his reign over Israel so significant?

Solomon did many things that pleased God and blessed the nation. Leaders like Solomon who please God also bless their nation. It’s the same way in a family, business, or church. Leaders who seek God and His ways bring blessings to the people around them. Solomon pleased God and brought blessings to Israel when he sought wisdom and understanding.

Early in Solomon’s reign, God came to Solomon in a dream as Solomon worshiped at Gibeon (1 Kings 3:3-14). God encouraged Solomon to ask whatever he wished. God promised to give him whatever he desired.

Solomon’s desire set the tone for his reign over Israel.

Solomon acknowledged his weakness, not knowing how to even go out and come in. His humility and need for God is one of the most attractive aspects of the life and reign of Solomon.

Solomon asked God for an “understanding mind to govern thy people, that I may discern between good and evil; for who is able to govern this thy great people?” (1 Kings 3:9, RSV).

The words for “understanding mind” in the Hebrew text are literally a “hearing heart.”

Solomon asked God for a heart, mind, or life guided by the word and instruction of God. We all need to hear God. Can anything be more important?

A hearing heart will receive good instruction and Godly direction.

A hearing heart will desire God and His way.

A hearing heart will be an obedient heart. It will reject the spirit of rebellion.

A hearing heart will listen closely to hear God’s word whispered each day (like God’s Suffering Servant in Isaiah 50: 4b).

Solomon asked for this hearing heart to bless others. He asked in humility and obedience. All of this resulted in blessings beyond measure.

May we have hearing hearts which seek God and His ways.

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3 Responses

  1. I am writing the May LifeWay Sunday School lessons on Proverbs for our state Baptist paper, and plan to use some of these thoughts. Thank you for this well-researched adn well-written blog. It enriches my spiritual life and gives me great thoughts to ponder.

  2. A hearing heart is the quest for those who would follow. It is the desire for those who lead out of their own construct. I am sure, as I have lived a life of being both a servant and a servant leader, it is difficult, if not impossible to communicate to others with a different experience or reality.

    As I have stated before, one does what one finds works for them. We each have a carrot and stick existence. The stick may vary as may the carrot type, yet Pavlov’s Law still seems to find its application.

    In the quest for understanding, wisdom, there is a battle that rages. A study of winning battles yet loosing the war may be made in Solomon’s life and applied to many of our leaders today, indeed, even our own lives. I am reminded of the story of Cow _____ Gerty.

    In Europe, around the fall of Berlin, May 1945, in Austria where Dad’s unit was bivouacked, locals would come to the camp and trade their wares and services, such as washing clothes, etc. The transformed life he lived was evident by his behavior. A lady sought him out to ask his help saying, “You’re not like the other soldiers.” Her daughter was coming of age and she feared for her. You may have read accounts of how conquering soldiers have a tendency to take what they want. The bestiality of the U. S. soldier, sadly, also had earned such an unfavorable reputation

    “Yes, you have reason for concern. I know you have brought milk sometimes to trade when you come to wash clothes.” She told him is was cow’s milk. “You may not like this idea, but I think it will work to keep men away from your daughter. Each morning before she comes with you to camp, find a fresh cow pie and smear it on your daughter’s arms, neck and on her legs.” Some time later she made a special trip to thank him, it worked.

    Mom is 96 today and free from all the bonds of the flesh. She liked that bit of history, Wisdom.


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