Are Tithers Better Off Financially?

Isn’t modern research amazing? You can find answers to almost anything. For example Brian Kluth does a study of the generosity of  believers, pastors, and church leaders entitled the State of the Plate. You can view it at

Recently, Brian published a number of indicators which show that tithers (those who give 10% of their income to their church or to charitable organizations) really are better off financially.

Using nine indicators ranging from “owe no debt” to “have no mortgage” to “have no car payment,” the author judged that Christians who tithe really are better off than Christians who do not tithe. Interestingly, the author did not use family income as an indicator.

As you know, the number of Christians who tithe is disturbingly small. Why is this group better off? Since the author didn’t give reasons why this group is generally better off, let me look at why this might be the case.

First, Christians who tithe have matured in their faith. They have recognized God’s blessings and goodness and this generally carries over to other areas as well.

Second, people who tithe are probably better organized. This also carries over to the rest of their lives.

Third, people tithe because they believe what they give to. They want to make a difference. Many people practice good financial principles because they want to give more.

Fourth, tithers are open to God’s blessings and ready to receive what God gives.

Finally, God blesses those who are obedient to Him. Remember, we are not talking about having more money, we are talking about making what you have more productive. I have often asked: “if you were God, who would you bless with financial resources? Would you give them to someone who used them wisely and for the kingdom of God or who used them selfishly?

This is what I am sure of: those who tithe make the work of ministry and missions possible. They are special people.

Do you have reasons you would add? Please keep your answers concise and to the point. I look forward to reading your response.

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9 Responses

  1. Giving I belive is the greatest form of personal Worshp after Prayer! Because of my human frailty I need need to know exactly what to do! Tithe!

  2. Those who see “their” money as actually belonging to God (which it all does) are better off mentally, because they realize “the Master” is responsible for taking care of them, and if they are good stewards, they don’t have to stress about making ends meet.

  3. It’s human nature to invest in-multiply what gives “us” pleasure. Jesus owed us nothing yet He gave us everything. When we decide to believe and love Jesus a desire for “real giving” begins. It goes beyond dollars and cents, beyond “us” and by His Grace it yields immeasurable eternal returns!

  4. I was taught as a young child to give the first 10% of my money (allowance) to God. I’ve followed those guidelines and more throughout my adult life. While at times giving 10% meant a significant sacrifice that I wasn’t sure how we would make it until the next pay check, we always seem to arrive at the next paycheck with money and resources left over. God has blessed my faithful over and over again without fail. Tithing is all about faith and putting God #1 in your life.

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