Finishing Well–Part II

This is Part II of Finishing Well, the story of L. B. Dame who died reading his Bible and praying for others. You can see Part I of Finishing Well by clicking here.

I have preached some hard funerals over the time of my ministry. Mr. Dame’s funeral would not be one of those. It would be a victory and a celebration. Without being insensitive to the family’s grief, maybe they should be doing a “victory lap” over a man living in relationship with God and now gone to be with God.

David expressed the desire to finish well. How can we do so?

First, start living the rest of your life today. Begin your finishing today. We have no idea how long we will live. My guess is Mr. Dame started his practice of Scripture and intercessory prayer a long time ago. Now is a great time to begin.

Second, seek God’s daily guidance. Ask Him for one thing He wants you to begin doing. Then, pray for Him to help you do it.

Third, focus on God and His plan. I find my prayers too centered on self and not enough centered on God.

Finally, learn from the example of others. Click here for the example of another set of godly men.

May God bless you as you grow in the likeness of Christ.

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3 Responses

  1. Billy Graham, Cliff Barrows, and George Beverly Shea, I am sure all have interesting stories of how Romans 12:5 played mightily in their ministries, their survival. I remember a quote from Mrs. Graham who said in and interview in answer to a question regarding being without her husband much of the time while raising their children. She was asked if she ever thought about divorce. She answered something like this: Divorce. Never! Murder, now that’s another subject.

    We all have expectations of what a relationship means to us and what we mean to it. How we recognize the duty to Christ in any relationship gives evidence to Whose we are and how we Finish Well in Him, by Him, Through Him.

    In Him we rise above our circumstances of infirmity, abuse, neglect, station and know that in Him we are on the “Level” as God’s Children. That there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek but One in the sight of The Father. All are whole, all are free, all are made worthy by the same medium provided by the Father, His Son, His Love, His Glory. A choice He made to be realized in Us, His Children.

    “How can one neglect so great a Salvation?” it was asked. Your direction is well taken as it restates His provision, His Design and shows a portion, a direction for how His begin to apply Romans 12:5, His New Commandment: To “Love one another even as I have Loved you.”


  2. Billy Graham, Cliff Barrows, and George Beverly Shea, I am sure all have interesting stories of how Romans 12:5 played mightily in their ministries, their survival. I remember a quote from Mrs. Graham who said in an interview in answer to a question regarding being without her husband much of the time while raising their children. She was asked if she ever thought about divorce. She answered something like this: Divorce. Never! Murder, now that’s another subject.

    We all have expectations of what a relationship means to us and what we mean to it. How we recognize the duty to Christ in any relationship gives evidence to Whose we are and how we Finish Well in Him, by Him, Through Him.

    In Him we rise above our circumstances of infirmity, abuse, neglect, station and know that in Him we are on the “Level” as God’s Children. That there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek but One in the sight of The Father. All are whole, all are free, all are made worthy by the same medium provided by the Father, His Son, His Love, His Glory. A choice He made to be realized in Us, His Children.

    “How can one neglect so great a Salvation?” was asked. Your direction is well taken, as it restates His provision, His Design and shows a portion, a direction for how His begin to apply Romans 12:5, His “New Commandment:” To “Love one another, even as I have Loved you.”


  3. I used “and” rather than “an” in the first draft. Also added commas for clarity in the second. Remove the first rather than the second please. Thank you. My eyes do not see this small print very well. 😉

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