Making Winning Decisions

Making good decisions is the essence of life. Make good decisions and life will look rather good; make bad decisions and life will be filled with disappointment.

How do we make winning decisions–the kind that move us in the right direction?

First, realize that you do have more than one option. If someone says “I have no choice,” the outcome will probably be bad. Look for another way.

Second, realize you have many choices. We often get stuck between two choices as if there are not other ways to attack the problem.

Recently I have been faced with many decisions that seemed to have only two options–both of them bad. Is this really the only choice we have? Are there only two answers? Look for the creative ways to handle the situation. The creative choices make for winning decisions.

In some situations, only two choices may be possible. In that case we may have to make the least difficult decision. But in most things in life, we have more options. We simply need to see the answer in a different light.

Third, seek Godly counsel. Find those friends who speak truth into your life. Let them help you with wise decisions by suggesting other options.

Fourth, take your time. If you have time, take time to think, pray, and consider. Some people can make good decisions on the first impression and without really thinking but most of us can’t.

Fifth, make your decision without emotion. When someone comes to me for pastoral counseling, I often ask the person: “If our roles were reversed, what would you tell me to do?” With this technique, I am trying to get them to look at the situation objectively. When we  get outside our own grief, pain, and emotions, we can make better decisions.

Finally, invite God to weigh in on your problem. Start early and let God be involved. He is not a last resort. He wants to be part or your life and your decision-making.

God wants to bless you. He gives direction to those who seek Him. I love the words of Moses to the people of Israel. He told them to fear God, walk in God’s ways, love and serve Him, and keep His commandments. Then Moses added that God has given these commands for their good (Deuteronomy 10:12-13).

We need, therefore, to follow God. He is good and His direction for our lives is good as well.

This makes for winning decisions.

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One Response

  1. This really was a good message.

    It has been interesting how a very good decision turns bad when leverage is used to pervert the original intent of the prayed over Blessed decision. The hand writing was on the wall. Pleas for help, guidance, wisdom, even paid advice served only to satisfy capitalization for the hunter-gatherer. It then moves from interesting to amazing in the saddest of terms. The work of lifetimes thwarted in favor of the vanity of a moment, an intent to rob God. Fairness becomes a choice word in tooling up for an attack after the pieces have been carefully set in place. Truth is in competition with perception. Perception formed by self interest. The social order revealed. God’s Name is taken, the band plays on, the gallery quietly watches and waits. Perhaps to pick up some dainty morsel left from the slaughter. Time and tide wait for no man, God is not mocked, eventually. Be it Blessings lost, salvation deterred; perhaps, another day?

    Thank you.


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