Your Choices Are Your Life

Your life is the sum of your choices. Whatever choices you make will reverberate down the corridors of time. Our choices have consequences, not just for this life but for eternity.

For these reasons, our choices must be made quickly, decisively, and with daily resolve.

First, our choices must be made quickly. By quickly, I mean without delay and without equivocation.

You will make your most important decisions in the present. Delayed decisions lose their power. Timely decisions have power in themselves.

Yesterday, we honored the high school graduates at our church. One of the things I told the graduates is that they will make their most important decisions over the next few months and years.

Between 17 and 30, I answered God’s call to preach, finished college, married my high school sweetheart, moved to Louisiana, received a master’s and doctoral degree, had two children, and served two churches and became a seminary professor.

Most people make the same dizzying decisions at an early time in life.

Second, choices must be made decisively. Precisely because our decisions have long term consequences, we have to make decisive choices. Joshua told the people of Israel to choose who they would serve, either the gods of the past or the eternal God of the future.

Delaying the choice is a decision to go on in the easy ways of the past. Making a decisive–no turning back–decision sets our course for good and for the best. This is the kind of decision God called us to make.

Third, our choices must have a healthy dose of daily resolve. You are what you do every day. Pray every day and you are a praying person. Witness of your faith daily and you are an evangelist.

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

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One Response

  1. Aren’t choices interesting? Consequences of choices in serving others who take advantage of the situation make for outcomes that are hard for the more careful capitalistic self serving members of society to understand. Jeremiah chose to buy that plot, etc. I recall, “the Natural man perceives not the things of the spirit, neither does he know them…” Yes, eternal choices, one’s Word, Honor, Duty, Truth are all choices. Sadly they are often faced alone as Paul said, “ …having done all (put on the whole armor of God), to stand.” “watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints..”

    Interesting, watching and praying.


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