Abortion Doctor Convicted Of Murder

Last week we learned of the “house of horrors” in Cleveland where three women were abused and tortured for almost a decade. Two years earlier we learned of another “house of horrors” in Philadelphia.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell has run an abortion clinic in a poor section of Philadelphia for forty years. The stories from that clinic are appalling.

News accounts in print and broadcast gave the same warning about graphic material.

Dr. Gosnell was convicted Monday of murdering three babies outside the womb and for manslaughter of a woman who came to the clinic for an abortion. Jurors are still trying to decide about sentencing Gosnell to death.

The details are grisly.

The convictions point out the horrible treatment of babies. Dr. Gosnell was convicted of “snipping” (his word) the spinal cord of three babies who survived abortion and were then killed by severing the spinal cord.

Stephen Massof, a medical school graduate without a medical license, testified how Dr. Gosnell taught him to snip babies’ spines. He did this more than 100 times at the clinic. Massof testified: “I felt like a fireman in hell. I couldn’t put out all the fires.”

What a tragic world! How God must grieve over His children–both unborn babies and their mothers. One of our ministries and that of our local Crisis Pregnancy Clinic is for women who have had an abortion. The loss and tragedy of the child is awful; the loss and tragedy for the mother seems to never end.

How do we minister to these needs?

First, we teach God’s plan for the sexual relationship. God has given a beautiful gift to His creatures. We have taken this gift and perverted it in almost every way imaginable. The imaginations of the human heart are polluted and evil continually. Before the flood “. . . God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

Second, we care for mothers. We care for those who carry their child to term and those who abort their children. All of these are God’s children. All need the ministry of Christ.

Third, we seek to end abortion in our time. Though we have suffered millions of abortions, many in the African-American community where Dr. Gosnell performed abortions, we can overcome this plague.

Even now, we are seeing a change in society concerning abortion. Gallup released a poll last week showing 58% of Americans believe abortion should be against the law. In January, another poll showed 80% oppose third trimester abortions like that performed by Gosnell. You can see the end, but you can also see forty years of sorrow.

Finally, we must not give up in the fight for justice for all. “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).

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3 Responses

  1. What a wonderful example in context, to argue for the employment of God’s Paradigm by the Body/Bride of Christ: Romans 12:5. Thank you!

    Yes, we are our brother’s keeper.


  2. There is no bottom to the pit of darkness outside the Kingdom where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Those in Christ should be rejoicing every day for what we have been delivered from; even while we weep for those in darkness.

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