Have You Been Poisoned?

Stephen Ambrose is a legend in Louisiana (and beyond). Ambrose wrote extensively about World War II and specifically about D-Day. As I look back over my understanding of WW II, I realize that I learned more from the popular books of Stephen Ambrose than from history courses in college.

Stephen Ambrose was instrumental in establishing the National D-Day Museum (now the World War II Museum) in New Orleans, the home of the landing craft that made landings like Normandy possible.

Stephen Ambrose interviewed hundreds of fighting men from WW II. His stories were riveting. In Citizen Soldiers (p. 441) he told the story of Capt. F. W. Norris and what Hitler’s brain washing had done to the boys he sent into battle. By the end of the war, both America and Germany were sending teenagers to fight.

Capt. Norris’ division ran into a roadblock and took casualties. The Americans returned fire and caused a number of injuries. “The most seriously wounded was a young SS sergeant who looked just like one of Hitler’s supermen. He had led the attack. He was bleeding copiously and badly need some plasma.”

One of Norris’ medics hooked the young German up to plasma. The sergeant spoke excellent English and asked if the plasma contained any Jewish blood. The medic really didn’t care whether it did or not and told the German so. He explained that in America they didn’t make any such distinction. The German told him that if he couldn’t guarantee there was no Jewish blood he would refuse treatment.

Capt. Norris said: “I had been listening and had heard enough. I turned to this SS guy and in very positive terms I told him I really didn’t care whether he lived or not, but if he did not take the plasma he would surely die. He looked at me calmly and said, ‘I would rather die than have any Jewish blood in me.’

“So he died.”

Ambrose said that Hitler and the Nazis poisoned the minds of the boys Germany was throwing into the battle.

We shake our heads at such tragic ideas, but we all have a similar problem. Satan has poisoned our minds as well. We miss God’s plan and, like our ancestors Adam and Eve, live in selfishness.

Like Adam and Eve, we suffer and our families suffer because our minds have been poisoned. We leave God and we suffer the consequences of our wrong thinking.

Thank God He sent Jesus to “renew” our minds.

Let us put on the mind of Christ and enjoy His antidote to our spiritual poison.

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3 Responses

  1. This really struck home. I have seen church members reject efforts to reach out to people who like a certain worship music style because that style did not appeal to them. I mean flat out refuse because they don’t like it. After a while a person just gets tired of saying “When did it become about us?”. As far as I can tell for a Christian, Church is about 2 people- God and the lost person.

  2. Thanks Waylon for this important reminder.
    We are fallen creatures, infused with the delusions of the evil one, down to the very cells of our body and bones of our soul. One of the most important aspects of spiritual maturity is to recognize and admit that fact. Jesus promises to give us new life if we receive Him and abide in Him. His Spirit is like our spiritual immune system that destroys the viruses and bacteria of evil that constantly threaten our souls, as those that constantly threaten our body are destroyed by our God-given physical immune system. We do not even recognize the ways that evil is manifesting through us until we allow Christ to open our eyes. We are truly blind and in darkness until the Light of the world enlightens us. When we receive Him, we are eternally thankful for what He delivers us from and into.
    Lord Jesus, we are so thankful to You. Please abide with us forever, and deliver us from evil.

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