Quotations You Can Use (June 7, 2013)

“Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance. It is laying hold of God’s willingness”–George Mueller.

“As a medical doctor, one of the most important problems that I encounter among my patients is that of bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. It is a major reason why people don’t heal”–quoted in R.T. Kendall, Total Forgiveness, 12.

“It’s easier to succeed because failure exacts a high price in terms of time when you have to do a job over. It’s easier to succeed because success eliminates the agony and frustration of defeat. It’s easier to succeed because money spent to fail must be spent again to succeed. It’s easier to succeed because a person’s credibility decreases with each failure, making it harder to succeed the second time. It’s easier to succeed because joy and expressions of affirmation come from succeeding, whereas feelings of discouragement and discontent accompany failure”–S. Truett Cathy, It’s Easier To Succeed Than To Fail, 13-14.

“In that great and terrible day when the deeds of men are searched into by the penetrating eyes of the Judge of all the earth what will we answer when we are charged with inconsistency and moral fraud? And at whose door will lie the blame for the millions of lost men who while they lived on earth were sickened and revolted by the religious travesty they knew as Christianity?”–A.W. Tozer, The Root of the Righteous, 53-4.

“The people who run VBS at FBC Covington could run small countries”–Waylon Bailey.

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One Response

  1. “You have One life. It soon will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
    -John Piper, from his book Don’t Wast Your Life

    Jefferson Parish Museum tells the Story of Good News in Christ the Author and Finisher of Every Good Work. “If you do not believe for My Sake, then believe for the Works Sake.”

    May we find no darkness or shadow of variation realizing His Perfect Gift, Romans 12:5. Ed Matthew


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