What Makes Us Come To Christ?

Have you ever wondered: “What makes a person come to faith in Christ?”

Most of the time people in the church get worked up over why people don’t come to faith in Christ. Is it time for us to ask why they do come to faith?

Every day adults trust Christ and begin walking with Him in faith. What leads them to make such a radical, life-changing decision?

Recently I read a quote by Lee Powell, pastor of the Cedar Creek Church in Toledo, Ohio. This is a church reaching many people for Christ. They not only reach people, they also track why people came to faith.

Pastor Powell gave the three main reasons why people come to faith as an adult.

Something is broken. Something is missing. Something changed.

As I look at people, I see those three reasons.

People’s lives are broken. When family, jobs, and relationships are broken and out of whack, many people are open to looking for a different kind of meaning in life. They have lived for self, seeking money and pleasure and found it lacking. Like Dr. Phil, they ask “How is that working for you?”

When they have dealt with the broken, changed, and missing, they begin looking for depth and significance for their lives.

What can you and I do to move that process along?

First, we can be a friend to people. When everything is fine for people, they often don’t think about God and they don’t need Christian people. When everything is broken, they often are ready to find people who truly care.

You and I can be those people who care and who will be there in the trying times.

Second, we can be patient and understanding. Since we know what it’s like to be without God and without hope in the world, we can be helpful to other people who have been like us.

Third, we can pray for the harvest and ask God to put people in our lives who need Him.

Finally, we can totally depend on God’s Spirit as He draws people to Himself. I thank God for His patience with those who are lost.

May we be a catalyst to help those who are broken and hurting.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this blog. I have many loved ones that I continually pray to submit to Christ and I have to ask also that I not push them. God, is so waiting and patient and maybe some day. Is it wrong to pray for patience?

  2. Amen and Amen.

    May each of His equip the Holy Spirit with good tools for the construction of the Temple the Apostle Peter described, as we are all to be lively stones indeed.

    It is a wonderment how the pieces fit. It is like God Designed it, you think?
    Romans 12:4-5 Thank you!


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