Why Forgiveness Matters To God

For several weeks I have been preaching, praying, and reading about forgiveness. It is clear from the Bible that forgiveness matters to God–both God’s forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of others.

In regard to our forgiveness of others, forgiveness matters very much to God. Jesus told us that as we are merciful we receive mercy; as we forgive we receive forgiveness.

Why does forgiveness matter so much?

First, God’s forgiveness removes our offense against the holiness of God and makes us righteous. Because of the work of Christ on the cross and our faith in Him, we can stand before God uncondemned. Can anything matter more than this?

Second, our forgiveness demonstrates we are thinking less about ourselves and more about God. It’s really easy to live a selfish life. We are born with the belief the world revolves around us. As we forgive, we show we are moving from a life preoccupied with place, position, and hurt to a life of selflessness.

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Third, forgiveness matters because obedience matters. Our forgiveness shows we are willing to obey God and follow in His steps.

Finally, forgiveness shows we are becoming like our Father in heaven. He forgives. To be like Him, we must forgive as well. When we forgive we move from the world of humanity to the world of God Himself. When we forgive we become as He is.

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3 Responses

  1. God, show me the path to forgiveness so I may be closer to you and show me where I need to forgive others in my life. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN. Thanks Brother Waylon.

  2. Forgiveness, 7X70 kind, has brought me to understand the forgiveness that avoids individual annihilation of the forgiver is forgiveness that requires participation of His Bride.

    Her response has been interesting per the Groom.


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