The Most Important Question About Worship

When I attended a Christian college and a Baptist Seminary, we had chapel on a regular basis. The question on everyone’s mind that must have  been very important went like this: “Who’s speaking in chapel today?”

That seems to be the most important question about worship. It’s not, of course, but the frequency with which the question is asked makes it seem important.

I had a good friend who preached in chapel ask repeatedly, “who’s going to be in chapel today?” At the conclusion he reminded us that God would be in our chapel, and it really didn’t matter who would preach as long as they told us about Jesus.

What do you think is the most important question about worship? Is it, “who’s preaching?” Is it, “is he good?” Is it, “how long does it last?” It could be any number of questions.

I believe the most important question for the follower of Christ is a very personal question which must be addressed directly to God.

In order to worship effectively, we must ask God, “What do you want to say to me today?”

Don’t we worship so we can meet with God? True worship is completely about God. We often say, “it’s not about me” and then we act or go through the motions of worship as if it is entirely about us.

How many times have you judged worship? Judging worship by critiquing the sermon or the music or even the announcements shows that God is left out of the process.

If we really want to get something out of worship, we must open ourselves to God. We must learn to look for Him and seek Him.

God told the exiles in Babylon (with the temple destroyed and the people far away from the Promised Land) “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).  James reminded us to “Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:8).

Let me challenge you to spend time this week asking God to speak to you in worship. Ask Him what He wants to say to you. If you seek Him with all your heart, you will find a worship experience like never before.

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4 Responses

  1. When I read this and from time to time, when the subject is worship or bringing the message out of our “comfort zone,” I am reminded of your Hebrew class on the Book of Jonah. How relevant is his, Jonah’s, experience in our lives? They praised and worshiped. God saw their heart and was Glorified. We see the Joy of Worship in those who are different in style and method and … do we join them (those bad labeled people)? Do we sulk and complain? Is it because their Worship is different from the way we would? After all, wasn’t what we do to Worship pleasing to God? Isn’t that The Model All should follow? It worked for us! Wasn’t it He Who sent us to them? How do we know when we are majoring on the minors regarding the differences, unable to see God’s Blessing in the Worship of others who do it, so differently? How does interaction affect our Worship, giving of self and resources? How do we join Christ in them who are so different in style, manner and understanding? Can Christ really be in … them? And, what about those labels? Isn’t that enough of a reason to know who is better at “Real Worship?” What they say sounds okay, but, hey, consider the source; can it be?

    Jay’s talk this morning was quite interesting. I wonder how many ways he was received? Interesting. You guys have brought us a long way. I wonder how long it will be till we arrive? Are we there yet? Are we? Further? More? What is that? A fresh feeling is it? Ahhha… Living Water, so many shapes, yet One, such Delight, “Everyone members one of another?” A scary thought! Christ in All! Maybe with Christ there I can calm down, in a Lively way of course, maybe. Thanks!!!


  2. Speaking of worship, I am reminded of the fact that the Church has become the temple, even the Holy of Holies (I Cors.6:19 {word rendered temple is that used for the inner sanctum, or the Holy of Holies} Hebs. 12:22, references Mt. Sion/Zion, or the Temple Mount, a short hand for the Temple and the Holy of Holies, the most holy place in all of Israel), where God is especially present. Jesus said it well, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Since He is in our midst, we are reminded that God’s very Throne and Judgment seat are there. In the midst of the Throne stood a Lamb as it had been slain (Rev.5:9) and there is our Advocate and Judge to help us adjudicate our sin problems (Hebs.12:23ff; etc.).

    As to the joy issue and the folks of Nineveh and Jonah, it is interesting to note that such comes by way of opposites, that the whole of Jonah seems to be an illustrative of reverse psychology, to use the pop term. Actually, it appears that God likes to use what Counselors call, Therapeutic Paradoxes. God sent a prophet with a gloom and doom message, one the prophet even wanted to come to pass though he suspected that it would be otherwise. The message of Judgment without one offer of mercy (no, if you repent, God will spare the city), but Jonah suspects that God will use that unconditional prophecy of his to bring about the sparing of that great city which is what happened. One wonders why people are afraid of God’s Sovereignty these days, when we have lessons like the one in Jonah (note: the prophet learned that “Salvation is of the Lord,” but apparently not very well as God had to argue with His recalcitrant servant (Jonah 4). Realizing that such a Being as the Triune God is present and working in a service requires a New Nature and even that can be asleep at times, too many, unfortunately, it seems. We are like the insensible rocks and the unsoluble clods, a picturesque phrase that some one said 50 years ago was from Shakespeare. Anyway, it spoke loudly to a preacher boy raised on sharecropper’s farm in Arkansas.

  3. Before I saw your answer, I thought of my own question, which would have been, “Have I prepared my heart to meet God?” Of course, once that was answered in the affirmative, then the next question would be the one you mentioned.

  4. 😉
    Well said Doc.
    What a Journey!
    What a Presence!
    What Empowerment!
    What a Responsibility!
    Romans 12 AMEN

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