My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less

I grew up singing a hymn with these words: “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” In other words, my hope is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. His righteousness and His shed blood bring me to good standing with God and opens to me a world of hope, blessing, and security in Christ.

I thank God for His work of justification, the good news that sinful people may be brought into acceptance with God though a simple act of trust in Jesus Christ (John Stott). Please read yesterday’s post about justification. This will prepare you for the remainder of our discussion about our hope in Christ. You can access this post at

What does justification do for us?

First, and most importantly, justification brings us to a right relationship with God based on the work of Christ to redeem us by the shedding of His blood. By this act (not a process), all people may experience new life and hope through Christ. We are not justified by works of the law or by any work on our part. We are justified by God’s work for us.

Second, justification changes a person’s character. Sometimes, critics of Christianity–often people who claim Christianity as well–laugh at the idea you can be right before God without your own work or effort. What is truly laughable about myself is the idea that I can effect my own salavation.

If I can save myself, I surely can lose my salvation. If Christ saves me by what He did, I am eternally secure in Christ. All I can do is trust Christ. And, joyfully, that is enough.

Third, justification fills me with gratitude and makes me want to live for Christ. The critic or cynic might think such freedom as found in Christ’s work of justification could make a person live without morals or concern for conduct. It does just the opposite. Knowing what Christ did makes me want to serve and please Him.

Finally, justification lets me live in the security of Christ’s settled work. It is a good place to live.

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2 Responses

  1. Why do people have such a hard time accepting a free gift from God? I always thought most folks loved something for free….. Lord, open my heart, open my mind, and give understanding to accept the free gifts You give us in Jesus Christ. Allow me and others to experience the overwhelming feelings of security and peace which come from trusting in Jesus and to realize the act of redemption He completed which brings us in right relationship with You Heavenly Father. In Christ I pray, AMEN. Thanks Pastor.

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