The Audiences of Louisiana Baptists

The meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention this week affirmed the President’s 2020 Commission report emphasizing targeting of two audiences in Louisiana–the Next Generation and Every People Group. (You can read yesterday’s post to see the significance of reaching the Next Generation.)

Our study for the 2020 commission learned we have many ethnic groups in Louisiana. Of course, the two largest are African-Americans and those who speak Spanish as a first language. African-Americans make up the largest group. For sad historical reasons, this largest group continues to be a very small percentage of churches affiliated with the Louisiana Baptist Convention, and a small percentage of the total attendance in our churches.

But as my friend James Jenkins proclaimed, “It’s a new day!” This African-American leader oversees church planting in Louisiana. I am heartened that he has seen the future and feels enthusiastic about what God is going to do in the next few years.

Some of my Spanish speaking friends were truly excited–almost giddy–about this new day. I am thankful they have responded with such enthusiasm.

David Hankins, Executive-Director of the LBC, reminded us that we are not seeking to do ministry “to” the ethnic groups, not even “for” them, but rather “with” them. Louisiana Baptists are seeking to partner with those groups to reach our state–and ultimately our world–for Christ.

Louisiana Baptists aren’t simply interested in starting ethnic churches. They also want to open LBC churches to both the Next Generation and to Every People Group. As I stated in the president’s address Monday night, “we want our churches to look like heaven.” As a small boy, I was taught “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

That child’s song touched my life. All these years later, it still rings true. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Therefore, I must love them too.

This is the second of a series looking at Louisiana Baptists’ response to the challenges before us. Please come back each day to see other posts about our challenges and our plans for the future. If you would like to subscribe to my free posts, please leave your email in the subscription section at the top of the page.


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2 Responses

  1. ” Jesus loves the little children of the world.” AMEN! & thank You Lord Jesus! May we love as He loves, see as He sees and forgive as He forgives.

  2. Romans 12:4&5 is designed to work, a message not just to be sung.
    James, Brother of Jesus, must be smiling at this Blog today, with many others…


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