Why Reading the Bible Will Change Your Life

I’ve tried everything I know to get people to read the Bible regularly and with purpose.

Those who read my blogs regularly know of the many posts I have written pertaining to reading and following Scripture. One of my most popular blogs described starting your day with God. This is something I believe and practice. (You can view and read my most popular posts at the bottom of the page). I want to influence you to choose a Bible reading plan and stick with it.

What I haven’t done is tell you how and why it will change your life.

I’m currently reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, a popular psychology book that describes why we do what we do in life and business.

Amazingly, he affirms that people can change, a belief at the center of the Christian faith and at the heart of the Bible. Duhigg says that changing your behavior comes by understanding your cues (the things that make you do what you do) and by changing your routine.

This is not a Christian book but he affirms the power of faith. In fact, he says it is a necessity. As I am reading, I keep being reminded of Romans 12:1-2 that tells us transformation (change) occurs by the renewing of the mind. This is the power of habit.

Duhigg also describes the power of keystone habits. Keystone habits change everything. Remember the keystone is the stone that holds all of the others together.

Keystone habits may be small habits that provide changes in a number of areas.

For example, exercising regularly has provided other changes for me. Exercise is a keystone habit that has made me want to eat more healthy foods. I now eat more fruits and vegetables. I have quit drinking carbonated beverages. I’ve even cut back on coffee–amazing even to me!

Reading the Bible is a keystone habit–it affects many areas of life.

Reading the Bible puts you in touch with God. God, of course, leads you to what matters in life–family, relationships, how to treat others, and eternity.

In my daily Bible reading, I don’t read only for knowledge. I read to find what’s important to God. That’s why it is a keystone habit, and that’s why reading the Bible will change every other part of your life.

When I start my day with God, I feel peaceful and secure. I feel I am ready for whatever life will throw at me.

May God bless you as you get to know Him and receive His practical help for life.

Thank you for reading. You can receive each of my daily posts by subscribing at waylonbailey. com. It’s free and easy.

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2 Responses

  1. It is essential to understand that the world is in the shape it is in because we, as a People, largely ignore the paradigm given for us to overcome evil in society with good, generationally. It is common place to take for granted the dutiful servant who gives sacrificially and walks the walk, as the talk is talked. When the servant’s life is constrained in duty and assets are lost in health and trusted friends through the years due to death or other tragedy, it has been interesting how becoming vulnerable changes the dynamic in “church” as it magnifies His Church.

    Reading the Scripture helps one to a glimmer of understanding as to why the flesh dominates generationally. This should raise the alarm in preparation for the Final Call. It has for me.

    Yet, as the “spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.” None are immune to the emptiness of being a refugee in a land of plenty. “The foxes have holes and the birds have nests” begins to sink in a bit more when one identifies with the potential of loss as it becomes reality and is reminded that none, nothing, is owned, ever. Blessings are for a season this side of eternity. Animals will be animals, as is the nature of the flesh. And, so the command individually of Romans 12:21 can only come with the application of Romans 12: 1&2 in sync corporately with Romans 12: 4&5. Only then is there generational Hope of His Kingdom Coming and His Will being Done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Thank you Lord that I can count how You have carried us thus far as Joy. AMEN

    Enjoy the parade and the game. As a graduate of East Jefferson High School, I longed this year to be at the Superdome for their first State Championship Game; and see them win. Perhaps, if not indeed, a once in a lifetime opportunity, so close. I will count my Joy anyway. Safe Journey.


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